Prime Minister Kamla tackles crime upsurge in Enterprise

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Saturday joined a combined national security force in Enterprise, Chaguanas, as she took forward ‘Operation Restore 2’ to return peace and safety to the people of the central community. Following the weekly Cabinet meeting on Thursday, the...
Posted On 04 Jul 2015
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Charles: PNM distortions have crossed the line

THE habitual distortion and manipulation of facts by the Opposition PNM and its Leader, Dr Keith Rowley, have crossed the line, with the latest attempt to create doubt about the legality of the date of the 2015 general election. A statement from the PRO and Campaign Manager of...
Posted On 04 Jul 2015
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PM Persad-Bissessar: Opposition wrong on General Election date

CLAIMS by Opposition Leader, Dr Keith Rowley on the 2015 General Election date are being dismissed as misleading and inaccurate, according to a statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister on Friday. The release stated: “A letter was sent to then Acting President,...
Posted On 03 Jul 2015
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PM attends 36th Meeting of CARICOM Heads

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC will attend the 36th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Bridgetown, Barbados. The theme of the conference is “Vibrant Societies, Resilient Economies: A Partnership for...
Posted On 01 Jul 2015
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Charles: Rowley’s free ride is over…the people want policy, not platitudes

THE proposal by Keith Rowley to revive a long and widely rejected Trinidad & Tobago Revenue Authority is further evidence that he and his party are making ideas up as they go along, and have no plan, no vision and no good ideas for the progress of the people of our country....
Posted On 01 Jul 2015
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State Victorious in Claims Brought by Yasin Abu Bakr

Today The Honourable Mr. Justice Frank Seepersad sitting in the Port of Spain High Court ruled in favour of the Attorney General in a claim brought against the state by Mr. Yasin Abu Bakr. Bakr commenced proceedings against the State in a claim filed on the 19th September, 2014...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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Moonilal Writes Ethics Council

June 24th, 2015 Dr. Bishnu Ragoonath Chairman The Council for Responsible Political Behaviour c/o Archbishop’s House #27 Maraval Road PORT OF SPAIN Dear Dr. Ragoonath, I draw to your attention and members of the your Council the scurrilous and blatantly false publication...
Posted On 24 Jun 2015
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UNC Women – A Sad day for women in Trinidad and Tobago

Today is indeed a sad day for the women of Trinidad and Tobago. The Women’s Arm of the UNC has heard with great sadness and disappointment the unwarranted attacks on Kamla Persad Bissessar made by Jack Warner at a press conference yesterday and indeed we must condemn any such...
Posted On 24 Jun 2015
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Dr Rowley’s address at Fyzabad – no plan, no vision, no ideas to advance workers’ agenda

In spite of, and notwithstanding, his address to workers today in Fyzabad, the country still awaits word on the Opposition Leader’s plans and policies to advance the cause of workers in our country. As such we are still in the dark and entirely unaware if the PNM has a...
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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Labour Day 2015: Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar Message

Today, as we celebrate Labour Day, we must never forget that the man who was one of the most important pioneers of the labour movement in Trinidad and Tobago, is the man after whom our headquarters here is named. Adrian Cola Rienzi, who was born Krishna Deonarine, and who...
Posted On 19 Jun 2015
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