KAMLA: PNM Victimization and Entrapment in Firing of CBTT Governor

I am shocked but not surprised at the decision of the government of Trinidad and Tobago to instruct the acting President to fire Central Bank Governor, Jwala Rambarran. The action against Mr. Rambarran has the hallmarks of PNM victimization that we have seen in previous years...
Posted On 24 Dec 2015
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Praedial Larceny Squad doomed under Rambarath

I wish to lend support to the Deputy Political Leader of the United National Congress, Ms. Khadijah Ameen, regarding her concerns over the present mismanagement of the Praedial Larceny Squad (PLS). The planned move of the PLS to the Ministry of National Security by the...
Posted On 16 Dec 2015
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Official results of UNC Internal Elections 2015

POLITICAL LEADER TOTAL VOTES     Kamla Persad Bissessar – 17502 Roodal Moonilal  – 1821 Vasant Bharath  – 1305     DEPUTY POLITICAL LEADER TOTAL VOTES     Khadijah Ameen – 15654 Rai Ragbir – 12703 Wayne Munro –...
Posted On 07 Dec 2015
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Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends condolences on passing of Mr. Kamaluddin Mohammed

I was deeply saddened on Tuesday night to learn of the death of Mr. Kamaluddin Mohammed. He was a great patriot who personified service. He was also a leading member of the Islamic community and dedicated his life to serving his community and our nation both as a senior cabinet...
Posted On 02 Dec 2015
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UNC Internal Elections: Polling Stations Venues

Please see below the venues to be used as Polling Stations for the upcoming Internal Elections, carded for December 5th 2015.  NOTE: Voting Hours 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. North-West Region Constituencies Polling Stations Region Constituency Polling Station Polling Stations 1...
Posted On 02 Dec 2015
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The UNC welcomes the historic and landmark ruling by the Court of Appeal in favour of the petitioners who challenged the results of the last general election in six constituencies. This is a victory for democracy and the people of Trinidad and Tobago who are entitled to a system...
Posted On 30 Nov 2015
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Opposition Leader The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar today issued the following statement relating to the election of a Caribbean woman as the new Commonwealth Secretary General: I wish to extend my congratulations to Baroness Patricia Scotland of Dominica, who was named today...
Posted On 29 Nov 2015
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“When the UNC had said during the election campaign that the PNM had no plan, we had hit the ‘bulls-eye’ of truth”– Kamla Persad Bissessar November 25th 2015; At the time of announcing his Cabinet after the September polls, Prime Minister Keith Rowley, in seeking to score...
Posted On 25 Nov 2015
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Ramona: Let Good Sense Prevail in UNC Internal Elections

As an Independent Candidate vying for one of three UNC Deputy Political Leader positions, I am appealing to my UNC family and candidates to let good sense prevail as the Internal Election campaign heats up. Over the past few days I have noted that the social media campaign by...
Posted On 22 Nov 2015
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Kamla Demands Answers from Rowley: “Why was T&T citizen abandoned in Paris?”

OPPOSITION Leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to investigate and explain to the people of Trinidad & Tobago why his Government publicly humiliated and abandoned a citizen of our country amidst the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. A...
Posted On 20 Nov 2015
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