UNC Women: What are Gov’t Plans for Gender Violence?

The Women’s Arm of the United Congress is deeply concerned by the continued disregard for women in Trinidad and Tobago, demonstrated through patterns of disrespect, abuse and violence. The recent case of the dismembered body of an Embacadere mother is a ghastly reminder of...
Posted On 23 Mar 2016
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Opposition Leader Persad-Bissessar condemns Brussels attacks

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Tuesday condemned today’s attacks on transit hubs in Brussels, calling them “cowardly attacks on Europe and the free world”. The coordinated attacks took place at the departure lounge of Brussels International airport and a metro...
Posted On 22 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee stands with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar

As Chairman of the United National Congress, it is my view that former Minister of Housing Marlene McDonald has perspicuously violated and transgressed the Parliamentary Hiring Regulations through the reported employment of her Common-law Husband. The hiring regulations of the...
Posted On 21 Mar 2016
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UNC Local Govt campaign begins

The United National Congress has launched its campaign for the Local Government Election due this year. Speaking at the party’s National Congress on Saturday, Political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar called on members to intensify the search for prospective candidates. “Today, I...
Posted On 19 Mar 2016
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The Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago represents the views of the legal profession. Its role is to advance the values of the legal profession, uphold the rule of law, the constitution and to ensure the protection of the rights that we all enjoy and binds us together as a...
Posted On 18 Mar 2016
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Pointe a Pierre MP David Lee disappointed in Minister of Trade’s Comments

As Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Pointe a Pierre I am very concerned about the welfare and livelihood of the seven hundred employees who were retrenched due to the sudden closure of Steel Company ArcelorMittal last week. A large number of these former employees...
Posted On 14 Mar 2016
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National Congress of UNC Youth and Women’s Arms

The United National Congress yesterday held the National Congress of Youth and of Women at the Couva South Hall, Couva from 1:00pm. In addition to receiving reports of the activities from both the youth and women’s arm of the Party, the members participated in the moving of...
Posted On 14 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee: Foreign Exchange crisis now threatens National Food Security

As Chairman of the United National Congress I have been continuously and vehemently urging the Government to address the current Foreign Exchange Crisis. The shortage of Foreign Exchange within our nation’s economic framework has been contributing towards severe...
Posted On 14 Mar 2016
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Padarath: A Scandalous Cabinet Wedding Retreat Package

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release made a scathing attack on the Prime Minister and members of the government for using tax payers money to attend the wedding of the daughter of Health Minister Terrance Deyalsingh. Padarath stated that the Prime Minister and...
Posted On 06 Mar 2016
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Padarath: Strenghten Criminal Injuries Compensation Act

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath issued a call to the government through a press release to strengthen the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act. Padarath stated that the state must provide adequate support to victims of crime and that the current legislation needs to be strengthened...
Posted On 04 Mar 2016
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