UNC Women extends Eid Greetings

UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS – WOMEN’S ARM The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress extends Eid Mubarak Greetings to our Muslim Brothers and Sisters on this auspicious occasion. Tomorrow the Muslim Community of Trinidad and Tobago observes the Holy celebration of Eid-Ul-Fitr...
Posted On 05 Jul 2016
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UNC Women Congratulates SEA students

UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS – WOMEN’S ARM The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress extends congratulations to all SEA students and would like to wish them all the best as they will be entering Secondary schools all across the country in the new school term. The future is...
Posted On 05 Jul 2016
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Kamla Congratulates SEA Students: Urges Greater Focus on Education

I wish to extend congratulations and best wishes to all the children who wrote the 2016 Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) and are now beginning preparations for starting their secondary education. I wish, in particular, to congratulate Caitlyn Brooker of the TML School in San...
Posted On 05 Jul 2016
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Tribute to Mr. Patrick Manning from The Leader of the Opposition in The House of Representatives

Madam Speaker, I rise to join the nation in mourning the death of Mr. Patrick Manning, who served in this honourable House for 44 unbroken years. No one in our country has served the people that long … and that alone is testament to the former Prime Minister’s dedication to the...
Posted On 04 Jul 2016
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UNC Women extends Condolences to Mrs Hazel Manning

UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS – WOMEN’S ARM The women of the United National Congress extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs Hazel Manning on the loss of her husband. Mr Patrick Manning was the longest serving Member of Parliament and Prime Minister of The Republic of Trinidad and...
Posted On 02 Jul 2016
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Opposition Leader Persad-Bissessar extends condolences on the passing of former PM Manning

It is with deep sadness that we heard of the passing of former Prime Minister Patrick Manning. On behalf all in the Parliamentary Opposition and the United National Congress, we send our heartfelt sympathies and prayers to his wife, Hazel, and his sons and close relatives. Mr...
Posted On 02 Jul 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee – Malcolm Jones’ Resignation brought on by Kamla Persad Bissessar’s Persistence

The resignation of Malcolm Jones from the National Energy Standing Committee must be credited to the pressure spurred on by UNC Political Leader Hon. Kamla Persad Bissessar whose persistence and fight to ensure Jones became answerable as well as accountable to the National Public...
Posted On 30 Jun 2016
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Statement from the Leader of the Opposition on the CLICO Privy Council Judgement

The judgment of the Privy Council in the Clico Policy Holders case which was delivered yesterday morning serves as vindication of the decisions and actions taken by the People’s Partnership government. As you are aware, when we assumed office after the May 24th 2010...
Posted On 29 Jun 2016
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Couva North MP calls on government for urgent Police/Army patrols

Four persons were shot in a drive-by shooting around 10:30pm last night in the Wyaby community of Couva North. One person by the name of Kit Boyce died as a result of the injuries he sustained, one is in critical condition and the other two have been hospitalized and are being...
Posted On 26 Jun 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee’s Labour Day Message

” A fair days pay for a fair days work” has been the struggle and campaign of Unions Globally as they sought and continue to seek the protection of the working class. Today we celebrate one of the most significant days in our nation’s history ; Labour day....
Posted On 19 Jun 2016
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