Naparima MP condemns Gov’t for disrespect to Baptists and to students of Cowen Hamilton Secondary School

MP for Naparima Rodney Charles is today condemning the Ministry of Education for the stoppage of classes since September 30th this year at the Cowen Hamilton Secondary School, the only and flagship Baptist secondary school in the country, because of health and respiratory issues...
Posted On 31 Oct 2016
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Padarath: Our nation has lost an icon

MP for Princes Town Barry Padarath expressed condolences to the family and loved ones of Shirley “Beulah” King on behalf of the Opposition. Padarath stated that with King’s passing, Trinidad and Tobago had lost a true icon and that the theater and drama...
Posted On 31 Oct 2016
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UNC Chairman Extends Divali Greetings

“Let us value each other’s contribution” As our Hindu brothers and sisters get ready to celebrate Divali also known as the festival of lights there are many lessons that can be learnt and practiced from this auspicious festival by all citizens of our nation if we are...
Posted On 29 Oct 2016
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Tim blast government handling of EFCL Bond

The revelation that a $400 million Government Bond under management of the State-owned Education Facilities Company Limited is due to go into default on Monday October 31, 2016 is An tremendously worrying issue indeed, which signals a dire financial reality in our country and a...
Posted On 28 Oct 2016
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PNM Divali Travesty

Last night the PNM hosted its much touted Divali celebration which in fact turned out to be an insult to the Hindu community as nothing religious such as the meaning and importance of Divali was included in the programme. Instead we got a Bollywood show with our Ministers making...
Posted On 28 Oct 2016
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Padarath: Government disrespectful to the Hindu Community

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release on the eve of Divali 2016 has slammed the government for what he describes as disrespectful behaviour towards the Hindu community. Padarath criticised the government’s poor showing of support through its funding for Divali...
Posted On 28 Oct 2016
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Lee: Is Gov’t trying to close down Gas Station Operators?

The continued inaction by the Minister of Energy in creating a viable plan aimed at solving the sustainability and profitability dilemma facing gas station operators gives rise to the question: “Is this a subtle way of Government asking operators to give up their licenses or...
Posted On 26 Oct 2016
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Is the Gov’t abdicating its responsibilities?

Dr Rowley has spent much of his first year as Prime Minister distancing himself and his Government from the job for which they campaigned so vigorously to reduce crime, create jobs, diversify the economy and increase foreign exchange earnings. “He has alternated between blaming...
Posted On 26 Oct 2016
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CEPEP seeks to muzzle Moonilal

I will be at the Port of Spain Eight High Court at 11 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday October 26) to defend a historic legal suit brought against me by the Government-run CEPEP Company Limited. The Company is seeking an injunction to prevent me from repeating my earlier revelations...
Posted On 25 Oct 2016
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UN Day Message 2016 from the Leader of the Opposition

Today, I join the rest of the global community in celebrating United Nations Day, commemorating the signing of the treaty that established the world body 71 years ago. It is a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in substituting diplomacy for conflict, and to...
Posted On 24 Oct 2016
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