Leader of the Opposition Message on Universal Children’s Day 2016

Every child deserves love and understanding, and boundless opportunities for education, health care and safety and security. Sadly as the world marks Universal Children’s Day today millions of children worldwide and many thousands here at home do not have access to these basic...
Posted On 20 Nov 2016
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Padarath challenges Rowley Produce $350,000 “Roti” bill

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for his statement that the People’s Partnership administration spent $350,000 on roti for a Divali function at the Prime Minister’s Residence and Diplomatic Centre. Padarath stated that Rowley’s...
Posted On 17 Nov 2016
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Charles: Rowley continues to miss the mark on what it means to be Prime Minister

Our murder rate now exceeds 400 and growing daily, our economy has suffered its worst quarterly decline in history, our health care system fails our most vulnerable, our overseas scholarship winners are starving because of mismanagement and all our clueless Prime Minister Keith...
Posted On 16 Nov 2016
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UNC queries Multiple and significant inaccuracies in EBC Form 46 publication

Dear Mr Nanan, Further to our conversation earlier, I write to request a complete public retraction in the print and electronic media of the Form 46 publication printed in the Daily Express of 16thNovember 2016, and a full reprinting and circulation in the print and electronic...
Posted On 16 Nov 2016
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Minister incompetence left Scholarship students stranded in London

National Scholarship students in London, England are now virtually stranded because of the rank incompetence and callousness of Minister of Education Anthony Garcia. I have been informed that several students are at the mercy of their landlords and cannot afford meals and daily...
Posted On 15 Nov 2016
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Leader of the Opposition Mrs Persad-Bissessar congratulates Donald Trump on his victory

The Leader of the Opposition, The Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP Siparia today wrote to President-elect Donald J Trump following his success in the US Presidential Election. Mrs Persad-Bissessar wrote: “Dear President- Elect Trump, Congratulations on your victory in the...
Posted On 09 Nov 2016
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KAMLA: Rowley Government has Declared War on Hard-Working Citizens

The declaration of war against the hard-working citizens of this nation further illustrates the Rowley regime’s lack of effective measures in response to Trinidad and Tobago’s economic challenges. The announced 0/0/0 wage policy a.k.a. wage freeze in the public sector is another...
Posted On 02 Nov 2016
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Oropouche West MP: What cabinet reshuffle, or is it who pays the piper calls the tune?

What cabinet reshuffle, or is it who pays the piper calls the tune? The financiers of PNM election 2015 are the power behind the Rowley cabinet. Sarah Budhu fired as a Senator. Nicole Olivierre fired as Minister of Energy and Energy Industries. Brigadier General Ancil Antoine...
Posted On 02 Nov 2016
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Kamla: Cabinet reshuffle would not make a difference

Overall, this second Cabinet reshuffle coupled with three budgets in one year, would not make a difference in the quality of life for citizens who are burdened by threats to their lives, high cost of living, unemployment and sharp cutbacks on social and safety measures....
Posted On 31 Oct 2016
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Kamla entends condolences on passing of Shirley ‘Beulah’ King, Hal Greaves

I join the rest of Trinidad and Tobago in mourning the passing of talented performing artistes Hal Greaves and Shirley “Beulah” King. The deaths of Mr. Greaves and Ms. King have robbed our country of two of its finest artistic practitioners, who also lent their considerable...
Posted On 31 Oct 2016
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