Tiwarie: Is this where we have reached?

Do we have confidence in the Rowley-led Government? What do we do now? We must take the bold step of forging a new Gov’t and insisting on good governance for the sake of Trinidad and Tobago and the next generation. Is this where we have reached… • No confidence in the...
Posted On 01 May 2017
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The Minister of Finance must accept responsibility for the failure of the FCB Additional Public Offering (APO). In total approximately 48.5 million shares were offered at TT$ 32 per share and approximately 32 million were sold. This means 34% or approximately 16.5 million shares...
Posted On 30 Apr 2017
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Former Minister Questions – How Much Fuel Oil Was in Tank 70 Prior to Spill?

Tank 70 at the Pointe-a-Pierre refinery has a diameter of 42.67 meters and a height of 16.76 meters. This gives it a capacity of 150,000 barrels. If, for example, the tank was 20% filled it would contain a volume of 30,000 barrels of fuel oil. What was the level of the fuel oil...
Posted On 28 Apr 2017
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Padarath: Let the People Decide, Hold Referendum on Property Tax

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath is calling on the Rowley led administration to let the population decide whether they want the imposition of the property tax or not through a national referendum. Padarath stated that several countries throughout the world puts the power in the...
Posted On 26 Apr 2017
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Ministry of Energy and leadership of Petrotrin invisible

The Ministry of Energy and the leadership of Petrotrin have been invisible as it relates to the latest oil spill at Petrotrin. Where is the Minister of Energy? Where is the Chairman of Petrotrin? Where is the President of Petrotrin? Where is the Vice President Refining? The...
Posted On 26 Apr 2017
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Padarath: Questions Safety and Structural Integrity of Lara Stadium

MP for Princes Town, Barry Padarath is calling on the Government to state whether the recently refurbished Brian Lara Stadium has met international safety standards and has addressed the findings of the Mc Caffrey report and the Uff commission of inquiry report and is now secure...
Posted On 25 Apr 2017
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UNC Chairman Lee calls for full investigation into Petrotrin Oil Spill

As Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Pointe a Pierre I am greatly concerned by yet another Oil Spill emerging out of State Company Petrotrin’s refinery. As reported over 20,000 gallons of Oil from a storage tank has now made its way into the surrounding water...
Posted On 25 Apr 2017
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Why the Brian Lara Stadium and not Reform Hindu School

Naparima MP Rodney Charles questions the priorities of the Keith Rowley- led Government as we move closer to the opening of the Brian Lara Cricket Academy (Tarouba Stadium). He noted that while much pomp and celebrations were planned for the opening of the stadium the students of...
Posted On 25 Apr 2017
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The Rowley regime has spent more than $20 million on audits

The Rowley regime has spent more than $20 million of taxpayers’ funds on audits into certain State institutions while contractors are still not being paid, schools are not being completed and ailing patients cannot access the Children’s Life Fund. The Government has so far paid...
Posted On 23 Apr 2017
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Moonilal: Property tax cruel and unusual punishment

It has been brought to my attention by several Caroni Green workers, who not only lost their jobs this week when Dr Rowley’s PNM high-handed government shut down their company, but like the rest of country, they are now faced with the reality of paying increased prices for...
Posted On 22 Apr 2017
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