Message from the Leader of the Opposition In Celebration of Hanuman Jayanti

Today, I join Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago, in India and the rest of the world, in celebrating Hanuman Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, the son of the wind God, Pawan, a celestial being who possesses supernatural strength. Hanuman Jayanti involves prayers and the...
Posted On 31 Mar 2018
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Moonilal calls on the Ag CoP to explain how his Intelligence Unit failed to stop two execution style murders

Oropouche East Member of Parliament Dr Roodal Moonilal is today calling upon the Ag Commissioner of Police to explain how his Intelligence Unit failed to stop two execution style murders that took place literally hours apart on Monday night. Moonilal was alluding to the murder of...
Posted On 27 Mar 2018
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Charles: Where is the Strategic Energy Plan for our energy relations with Guyana?

Yesterday, Dr Rowley spoke at the Spotlight on Energy conference, and said not a word about our relations with Guyana – the CARICOM country on schedule to be the energy giant of our regional body. This should have been a point of discussion at the Conference. To date all...
Posted On 15 Mar 2018
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UNC condemns Prime Minister’s uncouth behaviour in Parliament

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s behaviour in the House of Representatives on Friday 9th March, 2018 was offensive and unbecoming of the office that he holds. That’s the view of the United National Congress. UNC Deputy Political Leader and Opposition Chief Whip David Lee sai...
Posted On 11 Mar 2018
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UNC to Government: Bring Anti-Gang Legislation to Parliament at earliest opportunity; let’s get it passed

After weeks of negotiation, the Prime Minister finally accepted Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s proposal of a two and one-half year sunset clause for the Anti-Gang legislation yesterday. The bill failed in Parliament on December 7th, 2018, and it is only...
Posted On 01 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Smith Must Wake Up From Slumber, Ministry of Sport a Runaway Horse

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed Sport Minister Darryl Smith for his deafening silence on the issues related to the lack of funding for the Elite Athlete’s program. Padarath is calling on the Minister of Sport to address the concerns raised by several athletes...
Posted On 01 Mar 2018
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Indarsingh calls Gov’t handling of industrial unrest at SSA reckless and irresponsible

The Keith Rowley-led PNM Administration have unleashed an onslaught on the working class of Trinidad and Tobago, according to Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh. It seems the only policy decision of this Administration towards the working class, in both the private and public...
Posted On 27 Feb 2018
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UNC will support Anti Gang Law if the Government consents to scrutiny

Trinidad and Tobago is a nation in crisis and unfortunately finds itself governed by the most incompetent and clueless government in the history of the country. The Keith Rowley administration continues to play politics with crime. They have thus far only attempted to provide...
Posted On 20 Feb 2018
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Opposition cautiously optimistic after meeting with Government on draft Anti-Gang Bill

Members of the Opposition met today with Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, Minister Stuart Young and Minister Fitzgerald Hinds at Parliament to attempt to arrive at an agreed bi-partisan legislative approach to the fight against crime and the criminal element. The Opposition team...
Posted On 16 Feb 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath said that he was deeply saddened and disappointed that the Cabinet and Government failed to accede to the wishes of the family of former President George Maxwell Richards to have Carnival 2018 declared in his honour. Padarath said that he waited to...
Posted On 08 Feb 2018
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