Foreign exchange misinformation

Dear Editor: It is amazing how so many learned individuals could be making such illogical, damaging statements around our foreign exchange situation. Continuing down this road may lead to irreparable damage to our economic system, and could be considered highly reckless and...
Posted On 09 Jun 2014
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One more for AG Ramlogan

CHALK UP ONE MORE FOR THE PP GOVERNMENT AND  AG RAMLOGAN The agreement by Hyatt to pay 334 million dollars to UDECOTT and by extension to the TT Gov’t is one more feather in the cap of AG Anand Ramlogan. HYATT has learned a bitter lesson by withholding legitimate profits due to...
Posted On 09 Jun 2014
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Speed guns a step in the right direction

Dear Editor: The recent announcement by Minister of Transport, Stephen Cadiz, to use speed guns on the nation’s highways to nab speedsters is a welcomed initiative indeed. I have always wondered why this measure has never been implemented on our nation’s highways with...
Posted On 07 Jun 2014
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Thanks, Moonilal

THE EDITOR: My sincere and grateful thanks to Dr Roodal Moonilal, my Member of Parliament. I was in a particular situation and Moonilal promised to find me a solution and he came through. So to my MP I say thanks for your support and personal involvement. Keep on serving our...
Posted On 02 Jun 2014
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We arrived, but are we there yet?

Dear Editor: This is a country of many diverse races and cultures. We came here through various systems and for diverse economic reasons, however there is one constant, our ancestors toiled and sweated to lay the foundations for the development of this blessed country. It would...
Posted On 29 May 2014
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Was it authentic?

Dear Editor:The recent apology of Herbert Volney and his acceptance of full blame in the Section 34 controversy has sparked debate on whether it was authentic or not. I too wondered  about this fact too. I did some research and found that Southern Oregon University professor and...
Posted On 24 May 2014
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Respect the office

Dear Editor: I listened to the call that journalist Dominic Kallipersad placed to the Honourable Prime Minister and it has left me shocked. Never before have I seen an office like this being disrespected in this manner. You could have your views, you could have your loyalties, ...
Posted On 24 May 2014
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Too much character flaws

Dear Editor: I would like to congratulate Keith Rowley on his party’s endorsement of his leadership.  His victory was an overwhelming one.  However, I believe he has some serious work to do if he is to take them to the promised land. What do I mean by this statement? Well...
Posted On 19 May 2014
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Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do

Dear Editor: The actions of Corporation Sole in the reappointment of the FCB board could only be commended. It could be said that they acted in the best interest of the country. One could look at the actions with regards to the Caribbean Airlines board and this incident to...
Posted On 13 May 2014
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Doctoring resume is a serious crime

Dear Editor: I have two children, a son and a daughter, whom I have sacrificed immensely to send to university. I remember how hard they worked while they were there and how joyful they were when they graduated. It was a challenge but they put in the effort and in the end they...
Posted On 13 May 2014
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