UNC: T&T at boiling point – Rowley’s Government must go

Like the rest of the population, the United National Congress is alarmed over the recent spate of violence in the country.  This Rowley-led Government has no handle on the situation and has failed to fulfil its responsibility to protect and provide for citizens. Over the last 48...
Posted On 17 Jan 2020
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Charles to Young: No citizen is safe under your watch!

Naparima MP Rodney Charles and the Constituency Executive extend deepest condolences to the family of the late Dr. Rudradeva Sharma who, reports indicate, was killed in a vehicular accident after being abducted along with his colleague Dr. Prem Vijay Naidoo who was seriously...
Posted On 15 Jan 2020
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UNC: Let us work to stop the scourge of gender-based violence

The United National Congress notes the ongoing national conversation regarding violence against women, in particular, domestic violence. We note that one of our members has spoken on this issue, expressing his personal opinion on it. The UNC encourages all citizens to share their...
Posted On 15 Jan 2020
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All talk and no action over Land Reform

Minister Clarence Rambharat has only this week seems to have been awakened from his slumber when he received information about the alleged “prevalence of land fraud in both state and private lands”. Has the Minister forgotten that in June 2018 that the Attorney General Faris Al...
Posted On 15 Jan 2020
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Ramdial: PM interview Hopeless, Helpless and Visionless

Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial expressed disappointment in Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s edited interview to the nation last night. She called the interview “hopeless, helpless and visionless!” PM Rowley in true hypocrite character defended Minister Camille...
Posted On 13 Jan 2020
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MP Lee: If not crime, what do we judge you on Prime Minister?

Having asked citizens not to judge his government by its performance on crime in his pre-recorded interview, the Prime Minister must inform a confused population on what could be used to judge their performance given the sustained incompetence, lack of performance and neglect...
Posted On 13 Jan 2020
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Charles: Rowley has accepted defeat

It is now pellucidly clear, after last night’s political campaign interview with Khamal Georges, why we are headed for failed state status under Rowley and the reason is that he judges his Cabinet appointees not on the basis of measurable performance but by “the...
Posted On 13 Jan 2020
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UNC: Dr Rowley needs a wake-up call – his Gov’t failed, citizens deserve better

It comes as no surprise that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley failed to put forward any plans or proposals to move our country forward in his political campaign advertisement aired on the major media channels on Sunday 12th January 2020. The Prime Minister used Government air-time...
Posted On 13 Jan 2020
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MP Bodoe to Gov’t: Stop neglecting our women

I note with horror the recent vicious murders of three women in suspected crimes of passion including that of Ms. Gabriella Dubarry within my own constituency of Fyzabad. This is a cause for serious concern especially when several calls were made to the Government to strengthen...
Posted On 10 Jan 2020
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MP Lee – Is the Government Broke?

As the New Year begins, our citizens must ask why after 51 months of this administration being in power and its much boasted about “economic turnaround” are cases of neglect, shortages and reductions in key public services increasing? Is it a case that four and half years of poor...
Posted On 10 Jan 2020
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