
Indarsingh: Keith Rowley and Jennifer Baptiste-Primus Cannot be Trusted

Is the Minister of Labour and Enterprise Development Jennifer Baptiste-Primus rejoicing at the prospect that there will be no job losses in the public sector but rather the fall-out will be primarily in the private sector when the country opens back up after the COVID-19...
Posted On 01 Jun 2020
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Oropouche West MP: Agriculture is the new “Green Gold”

On the 175th anniversary of Indian Arrival in Trinidad and Tobago, when the entire country was reflecting on the accomplishments and triumphs of the East Indian descendants, over 40 farmers of Rahamut Trace, Woodland took the time to meet with their MP Vidia Gayadeen Gopeesingh...
Posted On 01 Jun 2020
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Kamla: An Uphill Climb Ahead—But T&T’s Ready to Carry on

  “It’s gonna be a long, long journey It’s gonna be an uphill climb It’s gonna be a tough fight But I’m ready to carry on I’m so glad the worst is over Because it almost took me out I can start living now I feel like I can do anything And finally...
Posted On 31 May 2020
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Indian Arrival Day 2020

One hundred and seventy-five years ago, a ship docked in Port of Spain and off-loaded a cargo of more than 200 Indian women, men, and children. They came in the hope of a better future for their children and grandchildren, not knowing what was in store for them. The tens of...
Posted On 30 May 2020
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Kamla: PM Rowley Must say if he has Secretly Withdrawn T&T from the Rio Treaty

The recent statement by Foreign Affairs Minister, Dennis Moses, about T&T allegedly not being ‘bound to the Rio Treaty’ is of serious concern. It suggests the frightening, but very real possibility, that the Rowley Government has secretly withdrawn T&T from the very...
Posted On 28 May 2020
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MP Indarsingh Slams Hinds Over Dry Taps

In his first turn at the crease for the second time as Minister of Public Utilities, Fitzgerald Hinds has again failed to deliver. This is the immediate reaction from Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh who is challenging Hinds’s statement in the Senate yesterday that the...
Posted On 27 May 2020
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MP Charles to Moses: You cannot ignore binding Treaties by ‘vaps and invite sanctions

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is condemning Foreign and CARICOM Affairs Minister, Dennis Moses, for his reckless statement that TT is not bound by the Rio Treaty and the Resolution which imposed travel restrictions against Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez. “Nothing is...
Posted On 27 May 2020
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United National Congress Ready for General Elections

On Tuesday 26th May 2020, the United National Congress continued the screening process for the selection of candidates in preparation for the General Election, due this year. Some nominees have already been screened and named. On Tuesday, nominees for 12 more constituencies were...
Posted On 27 May 2020
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Kamla: After $20 billion and 12 ‘step down facilities’ —why insufficient spaces for cruise ship nationals?

A report in today’s Express notes that the National Security Minister is continuing to adopt his very severe ‘wait and see’ stance with respect to bringing home the final batch of stranded cruise ship nationals. This is frankly unacceptable, given the fact that the Health...
Posted On 25 May 2020
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr 2020

As the Muslim community across the world observes the holy occasion of Eid ul Fitr, I extend warm greetings and best wishes to our Muslim brothers and sisters on this joyous day. In 2020, celebrations such as Eid ul Fitr have had to change significantly, as across the globe the...
Posted On 24 May 2020
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