
UNC Choose former National Footballer David Nakhid for Tunapuna

The United National Congress Screening Committee has chosen former National Footballer and International player Mr David Martin Nakhid as the candidate for the Tunapuna constituency in the 2020 General Elections. Mr Nakhid has long been a staunch supporter of the UNC and an avid...
Posted On 14 Jun 2020
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UNC Meets with EBC on General Elections 2020

Today, a contingent from the United National Congress met with and discussed several key election issues with the Elections and Boundaries Commission. The meeting was held at the request of the UNC and is part of the Party’s mandate to work in the interest of the people of...
Posted On 12 Jun 2020
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Kamla – Let Corpus Christi remind us that God is always with us

As Leader of the Opposition, I extend warm greetings to our Roman Catholic community as well as other members of the Christian Community of Trinidad and Tobago on the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi. Today, as our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as other...
Posted On 11 Jun 2020
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Rowley Shamelessly Taking Credit for Building UNC Hospitals

Weather reports are warning of a Tropical Wave affecting T&T today, so please—be safe. If the rains indeed come, it may be a damper on Prime Minister Rowley’s planned opening of the Arima Hospital later today. Or, it may actually be the heavens seeking to wash away his...
Posted On 09 Jun 2020
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Charles to Rowley: Don’t mix up UN, OAS and Rio Treaty

Recently the PM, during a talk show interview, stated that the UN’s treaty is bigger than the Rio Treaty, and that the ‘treaty’ we have with the United Nations tells us that the government of Venezuela is the Maduro government. However, there is no single overreaching...
Posted On 05 Jun 2020
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Kamla Thanks Tim, Suruj

At last night’s UNC virtual political meeting one of our most treasured and accomplished veteran MPs, Dr Tim Gopeesingh, magnanimously announced that he was bowing out of contesting the upcoming general elections, to make way for a younger generation. Earlier this year, Tabaquite...
Posted On 05 Jun 2020
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Kamla: No Citizen Must Pay for Their Own Covid-19 Quarantine

Today’s newspapers are reporting that the Rowley Government may soon demand that all returning nationals pay for their mandatory Covid-19 State quarantine. This is simply unacceptable, especially after it accessed $20 billion of taxpayers’ dollars since March, 2020. This was done...
Posted On 04 Jun 2020
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AG Al- Rawi continues to use official Ministry accounts to peddle propaganda

Senator Anita Haynes, the Public Relations Officer of the UNC has taken note of a Facebook post on the Office of the Attorney General official page on the vote in the Senate on the Interception of Communications (Amendment) motion. In statement today Senator Haynes noted:...
Posted On 04 Jun 2020
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UNC’s Plan for Agriculture

Now that the rainy season is upon us, many citizens are living in deep fear of the devastating annual flooding it usually brings, which destroys property, livestock, agricultural crops and farmlands. A report in today’s Guardian report keenly highlights this plight. It notes that...
Posted On 03 Jun 2020
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Kamla: Rowley Government Must Stop Provoking the US and Keep T&T in Rio Treaty

A report in today’s Guardian notes the US State Department is suggesting that Trinidad and Tobago withdraws from the Rio Treaty. This after Foreign Affairs Minister Dennis Moses last week claimed that this country is not bound by it. This apparent escalation of ongoing tensions...
Posted On 02 Jun 2020
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