
MP Indarsingh: Firefighters Injured, Unprotected by Rowley and Hinds

It is disturbing to an undescribable degree that we have learnt of an accident involving two (2) fire officers who responded to a fire on Observatory Street in Port of Spain in the early hours of this morning. After consulting with the fire officers, we understand that these two...
Posted On 18 Jan 2024
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Tancoo – Failing government destroying T&T lives, business and international reputation

With words like murder, manslaughter and homicide having less and less importance to the Rowley-led Government, Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo says that crime, in particular serious crime, is costing Trinidad and Tobago both our international reputation as well as ongoing...
Posted On 10 Jan 2024
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Opposition Leader Demands Rowley Fire Hinds & Christopher After 15 Murder Week

The first week of 2024 has recorded 15 murders, more murders than any comparative period in recent years. The last two years, 2023 and 2022 have been the most murderous years in the country’s history, 575 and 605 homicides respectively. Still, Rowley arrogantly rejects the pleas...
Posted On 08 Jan 2024
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Kamla pays Tribute to former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday

Former PM Panday was the conscience of our nation and an undisputed post-colonial Caribbean visionary leader. T&T is fortunate that this exceptionally gifted son of our soil devoted his entire adult life to campaigning for a country of economic equity, social justice, and...
Posted On 02 Jan 2024
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New Year Message from the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar

In preparation for the possibilities of the New Year, we often reflect on the past year, its triumphs and tragedies, its promise and dismay, and its laughter and lessons. We acknowledge the challenges that have beset our beloved nation with heavy hearts. The record number of...
Posted On 31 Dec 2023
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Christmas Greetings from Leader of the Opposition

I extend my heartiest greetings to all of Trinidad and Tobago at this Christmas time, with best wishes for a season of peace, love, happiness, and generosity. I fervently wish that everyone becomes imbued with the wonderful spirit of Christmas and its timeless message of joy,...
Posted On 24 Dec 2023
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Opposition Leader: Christmas Heartlessness by Rowley Government

The disastrous Rowley Government is displaying even more heartlessness at this Christmas time by its woeful handling of food cards to deserving nationals. The Government waited until mere days before Christmas to issue the cards for disbursement to Members of Parliament, and when...
Posted On 21 Dec 2023
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Tancoo: How many more have to die before the Prime Minister reports for duty?

With approximately 550 lives lost to murder in 2023 to date, crime has long spiraled out of control under the Keith Rowley administration, worsening with each passing day, yet the Prime Minister continues to be unable to rouse himself to urgent action. That is an indisputable...
Posted On 19 Dec 2023
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Tancoo – Government clueless on cybersecurity

During his contribution at Wednesday’s sitting of the House where the Government had hurriedly brought the Finance Bill, 2023 for debate, Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo called out the Government’s $500,000 tax concession on cyber security investment as an impractical measure....
Posted On 16 Dec 2023
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Opposition Leader Slams Clueless PM Over Atlantic LNG Restructuring

Following Keith Rowley’s press conference today, citizens of Trinidad and Tobago should be very concerned about what he and Minister Young negotiated regarding the restructuring of Atlantic LNG. They could not : 1. Identify the potential liabilities costs that will now be...
Posted On 08 Dec 2023
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