
Opposition Leader: Government continues to ignore economic pandemic

For yet another week, the Prime Minister failed to acknowledge the reality of what people are facing in this country as a result of the continued lockdown. Thousands have lost their jobs, homes, savings and overall livelihoods. Across the world, we have seen that governments have...
Posted On 17 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley lost at sea on border security

The hallmark of this PNM government over the past six years has been trying to pass Public Relations stunts off as policy. Today, with much fanfare, Keith Rowley greeted the new Austal vessels to our shores and proceeded to act as if they were his personal gifts to the nation. It...
Posted On 16 Jul 2021
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MP Tancoo: Loss of confidence in Imbert leads to drop in FDI

The findings of the 2021 UNCTAD World Investment Report that Trinidad and Tobago has suffered a US$439 million negative flow of Foreign Direct Investment confirms that domestic and foreign investors have no confidence in Finance Minister Colm Imbert’s competence to effectively...
Posted On 16 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader pays tribute to Brother Resistance

I was met with great sadness when I learned of the passing of cultural icon Lutalo Masimba (Roy Lewis), better known as Brother Resistance. I came to know Brother Resistance over the years and particularly during my term as Prime Minister. He was a warm, humble and kind person....
Posted On 14 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley is a public servant who identifies as a tyrant

In an incredible display of hubris, Keith Rowley appeared before the population to complain that he has been the biggest victim of this devastating pandemic. Rowley made absolutely no acknowledgement of the thousands of people who lost their livelihoods in his brainless lockdown....
Posted On 10 Jul 2021
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MP Saddam Hosein unjustly ejected from the Parliament

In the most recent episode of the trampling of our democracy, today I was unjustly ejected from the House for raising legitimate concerns authoritatively provided for in the Standing Orders. As a duly elected Member of the House of Representatives, this is my qualified right I am...
Posted On 02 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: How many more must die?

As the nation marks a horrific statistic of more than 600 Covid-related deaths in the last 49 days, the Government refuses to account to the population as to the true state of the Covid crisis. After 16 months, the failed Ministry of Health team continues to hold their positions,...
Posted On 01 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley’s meltdown on the Tobago dependency bills

After being exposed in front of the entire nation as a liar, Keith Rowley had a full public meltdown today. Even though the evidence is clear that Rowley breached the rules of the Parliament by running roughshod over the standing orders, he still bizarrely insists he did no...
Posted On 30 Jun 2021
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UNC Women’s Arm Condemns Minister Cox Heartless and Degrading Statement

The statement uttered by the Minister of Social Development Donna Cox “there are some in need and some are greedy” is just another example of the callousness and downright degrading attitude of this Government during this Covid Pandemic! On Friday 25th June there were...
Posted On 27 Jun 2021
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MP Mohit calls for Minister Donna Cox resignation

The statement by Minister of Social Development and Family Services Donna Cox relative to the aborted hamper distribution at South Park, San Fernando is a poignant realization of how the PNM Government views the poor and needy of this country. What is even more startling is the...
Posted On 26 Jun 2021
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