
PADARATH: Minister Webster Roy Crying Crocodile Tears

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Minister Ayana Webster Roy for the findings of rampant abuse contained in a special report on the Children’s Authority and residences. Padarath stated that for several years he has been raising the concerns of the Children’s...
Posted On 05 May 2022
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr 2022

As we mark the special and sacred day of Eid-ul-Fitr, we do so inspired by the message this auspicious day offers us each year, Allah’s love for all of humanity will always prevail. As Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago and around the world prepare to celebrate the holy...
Posted On 01 May 2022
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TANCOO: The continued sabotage of our country

The government continues to sabotage the potential for growth and development of Trinidad and Tobago, not only by its corruption and mismanagement but increasingly, through the public utterances by Ministers says MP for Oropouche West Davendranath Tancoo. In 2015, Colm...
Posted On 22 Apr 2022
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Opposition Leader: Jesus’ selfless sacrifice has shown us the way for a better tomorrow

As we observe the most reverend and holy occasion of Good Friday, I would like to wish our Christian Community across the nation a blessed and prayerful day as they reflect upon the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Today, as our Christian brothers and sisters clasp their hands in...
Posted On 15 Apr 2022
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Questions for Kate – are there more cheques?

In the wake of revelations about cheques written to the PNM by some of the same contractors who have been named in a very costly investigation, there are some further questions that need to be answered by the private police force currently being funded by the taxpayers of...
Posted On 13 Apr 2022
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Charles: Mottley co-chairing UN global initiative with Trudeau, Rowley fixated on Maduro

Unlike our CARICOM neighbors, who are diligently focussed on raising their countries’ global footprint, Rowley, unable to match their astuteness, acumen and articulateness, brings up expired, parochial and globally insignificant news involving Juan Guaido last Tuesday...
Posted On 08 Apr 2022
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Fuel price hike result of refinery closure

The increase in fuel prices will increase the cost of goods and services across the board. Over one hundred thousand jobs were lost under this government, and no government plan has been forthcoming to create jobs or generate revenue. With food prices likely to increase further...
Posted On 08 Apr 2022
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Gov’t has more questions to answer on illegal spying

Rowley’s admission on a political platform that his government has indeed been utilizing spy equipment should alarm every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago. In addition to the Pegasus spy software that is being used to monitor law-abiding citizens’ private WhatsApp messages, this...
Posted On 08 Apr 2022
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Ministry of Works response to potential flooding disaster is disingenuous and disgraceful

Yesterday morning (April 6th 2022), residents of La Paille Village in Caroni staged a peaceful protest to demand that action be taken to fix the embankment along the Caroni River. The embankment is in such a deteriorated condition, it now poses a serious and deadly threat to...
Posted On 07 Apr 2022
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Gov’t Admits to Using Pegasus Spyware

As I said on Monday, the government did in fact acquire the Pegasus software and has been illegally spying on citizens’ WhatsApp communications. I also again confirm to citizens that illegal accessing and storage of emails and text messages are occurring. This is being done with...
Posted On 06 Apr 2022
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