
MP Lee: Young producing more untruths than oil & gas

If Minister Young was producing oil and gas as the level of untruths he continues to mislead the population with, this country’s energy sector would not be in this state of decay it is in due to seven years of this Government. After seven years of crisis in the energy...
Posted On 19 May 2022
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Was there a breach of the law to facilitate Foster?

A source of funds declaration from Venture Credit Union has been leaked to the public. This declaration shows approximately $1.8 Million being deposited into the account of Foster Cummings whose occupation is listed as “SENATOR”. The form is dated 23rd July 2020. Accompanying...
Posted On 17 May 2022
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PADARATH: Hansard Proves Sabga Report Was Not Hidden

Opposition Shadow Minister for Children’s Affairs, Barry Padarath has produced two pieces of Hansard that clearly illustrates that former Social Development Minister, Manohar Ramsaran on Friday June 2nd, 2006 indicated in the Finance Committee that the Sabga Report was laid in...
Posted On 17 May 2022
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Don’t sit as props for Hinds

Heads of various arms of the National Security apparatus must not appear to be supporting casts for photo-ops with the Minister of National Security, who seems unmindful of the sharp distinction which must exist between politicians and senior public officials. They must be wary...
Posted On 11 May 2022
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MP Lee : Young delusional as he misleads CNN on the Energy sector

Energy Minister Stuart Young is either totally delusional, has lost all sense of understanding of the national energy sector or opted to willfully deceive CNN and the international community yesterday with his false comments on the state of our energy affairs. Minister...
Posted On 11 May 2022
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Why the Attorney General not attending court on PNM affiliates matters?

On Monday, the Leader of the Opposition raised an alarming matter of extreme concern relating to matters before the Court for which the Office of the Attorney General has conduct. Mrs. Persad-Bissessar revealed that there was a matter before the Court CV. 2014-02037 Ashton Ford,...
Posted On 11 May 2022
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Disgraceful Hinds Must Go Now

The recent statements by National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds saying victims of sexual assault are “profiting” from attack is reprehensible, shameful, and disgusting. Though none was needed, this is yet further proof that Fitzgerald Hinds is totally unfit and unprepared...
Posted On 09 May 2022
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Mother’s Day Message From the Leader of the Opposition

Today we celebrate the mothers of our nation as well as the important role motherhood plays in our society. Unfortunately this Mother’s Day comes at a time when our nation is shocked by the horrific stories of abuse and neglect occurring at a state facility run by the...
Posted On 08 May 2022
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Tancoo: Government treatment of OSH Agency war against workers

The fact that more than half of the positions at the Occupational Health and Safety Agency are vacant to date is a continuation of this Government’s war against workers, and the interests of employees in this country according to Oropouche West MP Davendranath Tancoo....
Posted On 07 May 2022
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Tancoo tells Sinanan: STOP victimising South Trinidad

Residents of Oropouche West in particular and South Trinidad in general, continue to be put at risk by the refusal of the Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan, to undertake desperately needed repairs to the roads in San Francique. MP Tancoo and Councillor for the area...
Posted On 05 May 2022
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