
Opposition Leader: Armour must go

Attorney General Reginald Armour has no moral authority to speak on any issue. Instead of deflections and distractions, Armour should do the right thing and resign for lying on an affidavit about his involvement as a defense attorney in the Piarco Airport matter that is currently...
Posted On 22 Jun 2022
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AG Armour has brought his office and our country into grave disrepute

I note with frank amazement and due concern the latest statement by Attorney General Reginald Armour (dated June 20, 2022) regarding his blatant lying on an affidavit about his involvement as a defense attorney in the Piarco Airport matter that is currently being litigated in the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2022
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Opposition Leader Father’s Day Message

I loved my father, he was not perfect, he made mistakes but he was inherently a good and decent man who loved us. The majority of men are good and the majority of fathers are good men. The ideology of the battle of the sexes must be rejected when it comes to raising children....
Posted On 19 Jun 2022
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Opposition Leader: Working Class Under Threat by this PNM Government

As the country marks the 85th anniversary of the founding of the modern trade union movement in Trinidad and Tobago, workers are facing increasing challenges and worsening economic and social conditions as a result of the PNM government’s inability to manage our country’s...
Posted On 18 Jun 2022
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The Only Issue of Consideration for AG Removal – Lies

It is beyond any doubt that Reginald Armour deliberately lied on an affidavit to a court of law. This disgraceful act is only surpassed by his egotistical vow of silence and shameless refusal to resign as Attorney General. Armour’s pathetic attempt to hide behind an appeal of his...
Posted On 15 Jun 2022
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Opposition Leader: Corpus Christi is a time to remember and restore the goodness of God in our lives

I wish members of the Roman Catholic faith and by extension the entire Christian community a blessed Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi, which means “Body of Christ”, is a significant day as it celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist by the Lord Jesus Christ as a...
Posted On 15 Jun 2022
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PNM Ministers’ cowardice not acceptable says Tancoo

“The PNM Ministers’ new scheme of avoiding the taxpaying citizens who pay their salaries is insulting and cowardly! After seven years in office to have a Minister clandestinely visit Oropouche West over the weekend so that he can issue a press release to say that residents are...
Posted On 15 Jun 2022
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Camille Robinson-Regis – nicknamed by some as “Credit Card Camille” – is such a mess, that by the time she stumbles through her incoherent press releases, she has committed a dozen logical fallacies and self-contradictions. To cut to the chase: her ill-fated, self-serving...
Posted On 15 Jun 2022
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Amour Must Not Run From Answering

It is unsatisfactory that the Attorney General’s Office will issue a scanty Press Release to inform the citizens that the Attorney General will be out of the country on official business. It is highly suspicious that the Attorney General suddenly departs Trinidad and Tobago for 2...
Posted On 14 Jun 2022
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Opposition Walks out on AG

Today the Opposition United National Congress refused to sit in the House of Representatives when Attorney General Reginald Armour addressed the House. The Opposition returned to the House after Armour finished speaking to continue conducting the business of the people. The...
Posted On 13 Jun 2022
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