
Opposition Leader Emancipation Day Message

Today I join with the national community in celebrating the 188th Anniversary of Emancipation. Today as we remember one of the darkest events in humanity, we acknowledge the strength of a people to defeat what can only be described as grave evil to become an invaluable pillar of...
Posted On 31 Jul 2022
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Transparency and Accountability upheld by the Court of Appeal

The decision of the Court of Appeal in a matter initiated by activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj against TSTT is an important victory for transparency and accountability, more so at a time when state and state controlled enterprises are “restructuring” and job losses are imminent....
Posted On 30 Jul 2022
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TANCOO: Stop the games and do your job, Imbert

The blatant disrespect and scorn that the Minister of Finance Colm Imbert shows the working population in this country is abhorrent and unacceptable, says MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo. This week saw frustrated immigration officers absent themselves from work,...
Posted On 30 Jul 2022
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PADARATH: The beginning of the end for WASA employees

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath, the Opposition Shadow Minister for Public Utilities slammed Minister Marvin Gonzales for the government’s callous and haphazard approach to dealing with the woes at WASA. Padarath stated that this Government has been in office for almost...
Posted On 28 Jul 2022
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Moonilal: Airport Crisis Another Example of a Clueless Government

The dreadful, hours-long delay at the Immigration Department at Piarco International Airport on Wednesday is another graphic example of the incompetence and hopelessness of the Rowley Administration. The long wait to be processed upon arrival in the country is a further instance...
Posted On 28 Jul 2022
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The UNC’s position on Bail is Correct 

The Privy Council today issued its judgement in the matter of The Attorney General -v- Akili Charles [2022] UKPC 31, confirming the decision of the Court of Appeal that the automatic denial of bail is not reasonably justifiable in a society that has a proper respect for the...
Posted On 28 Jul 2022
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TANCOO: Imbert and Sinanan must account for CAF’s $1.2 Billion Loan

The Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan is being less that factual when he claims there isn’t enough money to fix the nation’s roads as his Ministry has been the main recipient of over TT$8 billion from the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) in the past seven years...
Posted On 27 Jul 2022
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I note the release purporting to be that of the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago, (LATT) about my comments on their recent special meeting concerning the disgraced Attorney General Reginald Armour S.C. 1. I note the LATT issued this release even though its President, Sophia...
Posted On 23 Jul 2022
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The PNM Fails T&T’s Youth Again

The Prime Minister and by extension his government Ministers continues to display arrogance, insensitivity, and downright disregard to the citizens and especially the talented youths of this country. The Trinidad and Tobago Under 17 Girls Basketball Team which is a National Team...
Posted On 22 Jul 2022
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Rowley Gaslighting, Distractions and Dangerous Madman’s Rant

I am astonished to have read reports in this week’s Guardian and Express newspapers quoting Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley as once more shamelessly trying to blame the Leader of the Opposition for his own gross incompetence and ongoing failure to take urgent, effective and long...
Posted On 21 Jul 2022
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