Government moves to settle outstanding collective agreements

June 12, 2013:  The settlement of collective agreements for the 2008-2010 period, additional demands have been placed on Government’s 2013 budget, for which Finance and the Economy Minister, Larry Howai, sought Parliamentary approval in the Finance (Supplementary Appropriation)...
Posted On 12 Jun 2013
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Minister of Labour’s message on the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour

Starting in 2000, the International Labour Organisation, has declared a specific theme in recognition of World Day Against Child Labour. On this day, June 12, the world focuses its attention on the plight of children who are subjected to work that is harmful and even dangerous to...
Posted On 12 Jun 2013
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Opposition propaganda

This new apparently scandalous information about cameras at the Director of Public Prosecutions’ office is such an obvious smoke screen planted in the daily press by the People’s National Movement. How on earth could you not assume, in this day of modern technology and security...
Posted On 12 Jun 2013
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People laughing at PNM

Unfortunately I’m listening to Faris Al Rawi on Morning Edition. This man definitely knows how to sugar coat issues and make a mountain out of a molehill.
Posted On 12 Jun 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has submitted a written statement to police on emails alleging a Government conspiracy on Section 34 which Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley first disclosed in Parliament twenty-two days ago. On Monday afternoon, Supt Baldeo Nanan led a team...
Posted On 12 Jun 2013
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Dr Rowley and his Trapdoor

People does look for their back door when trouble that come in through the front door take on the appearance like it would overwhelm them. What Mr Rowley was doing looking for back door? The only answer I could come up with is that he was trying to ease himself out of the jamming...
Posted On 11 Jun 2013
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Attractive incentives for the Maritime Sector on the horizon

‘Caribbean Maritime Competitiveness: The Marine Industry Opportunity’ was the theme of one of the well-attended Parallel Sessions held at the Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) on Monday 10 June, 2013 at the Ballroom, Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre.  In keeping with the...
Posted On 11 Jun 2013
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Emalgate to Backdoorgate

To the media houses and personalities, Apart from producing rolling eyes and hilarity, Dr Rowley’s frenzied attempt to whip up favourable sentiment by backdoor methods evidences another insidious national pastime, one that’s not funny at all—the inadequacy/absence/blockage...
Posted On 11 Jun 2013
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Rowley should leave his back door closed

Three years after moving into the office of the leader of the opposition Keith Rowley discovered there was a ‘secret’ back door. And on Monday he told reporters “unknown persons” passed through the door and removed documents from his desk in September last...
Posted On 11 Jun 2013
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Manning should be the last person to talk about corruption and nepotism

Patrick Manning doesn’t have a voice in Parliament these days because he remains on medical leave following his stroke 18 months ago. However, he is using his online space on Facebook – or someone is doing it for him – to malign the present government. A posting...
Posted On 11 Jun 2013
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