
Opposition Leader: Rowley, PNM now running scared of the electorate

The announcement that the PNM intends to underhandedly shift the Local Government Elections (LGE) by one year is a clear indication that Keith Rowley is running scared of the public. Rowley’s move to partially proclaim certain parts of the Local Government legislation to extend...
Posted On 03 Nov 2022
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TANCOO: Fisherfolk suffer due to WASA and MOWT negligence

The Fisherfolk in the vicinity of the Godineau River at the Mosquito Creek have been suffering for the past three weeks since the collapse of the WASA Main pipeline which has blocked the flow of boats on their way to the Gulf of Paria. MP for Oropouche West Davendranath Tancoo...
Posted On 02 Nov 2022
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TANCOO: Rohan to blame for flooding

The attempt by the Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan to get citizens to accept flooding as a normal acceptable occurrence is a desperate attempt to legitimize the deliberate neglect of the infrastructure he inherited according to MP for Oropouche West Davendranath...
Posted On 29 Oct 2022
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30 murders in one week, the entire Cabinet should resign

With 501 murders in 10 months, we have far surpassed the murder rate for a similar period in 2008. In that year, it took 11 months to get to 500 murders. (2008 was the deadliest year in our history with a total of 550 murders). Unless decisive, serious, intelligent and visionary...
Posted On 29 Oct 2022
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MP Bodoe: government taking us for a ride

If the video circulating on social media showing hospital staff and a patient being wheeled through a flooded corridor at one of the nation’s hospitals is true, then the healthcare sector is indeed on the verge of collapse. A nurse riding on the back of a health care worker...
Posted On 28 Oct 2022
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Couva North MP calls on Government to fix Highway cable barriers

Following the tragic death of a 57 year old female Police Officer earlier this week in a vehicular accident in Gasparillo, Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram is demanding that the Government step up the repair and maintenance of the highway cable barriers throughout the country. Media...
Posted On 28 Oct 2022
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TANCOO: Citizens suffer while Imbert boasts

Minister of Finance Colm Imbert must be living in some alternative universe as he is boasting about increased revenue and balancing the budget while citizens are experiencing the worst standard of living that they have ever had in our country’s history. There is a disconnect...
Posted On 27 Oct 2022
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Imbert’s arrogance and ignorance on full display

The response from the Ministry of Finance to the Express’ pertinent and timely editorial “Government’s mounting legal bills” displays not only the arrogance of a man who has allowed his malice and political ill-will to be a drain on the treasury, but demonstrates his ignorance of...
Posted On 26 Oct 2022
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TANCOO: Imbert should pay for his vindictive court cases himself

Minister of Finance Colm Imbert’s use of his office, the state’s resources and taxpayer’s money to fund his personal vendetta against a former Governor of the Central Bank exposes the levels to which this PNM Government is willing to stoop in order to persecute, malign, terrorize...
Posted On 26 Oct 2022
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Opposition Leader congratulates Rt. Hon Rishi Sunak on becoming Prime Minister

As Former Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition of Trinidad and Tobago as well as the First Female Commonwealth Chair in Office, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the Rt Hon. Rishi Sunak on becoming Britain’s 57th Prime Minister and making history by...
Posted On 25 Oct 2022
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