Kamla extends olive branch to Warner

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday welcomed back to the House of Representatives Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner. The two did not greet each other, but the Prime Minister threw out an olive branch. “The Honourable member is no stranger to this House. We on this side...
Posted On 03 Aug 2013
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PM sorry for missing

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday apologised for her absence at Thursday’s Emancipation Day celebrations in Port-of-Spain. Speaking with reporters following the ceremonial opening of Parliament, Persad-Bissessar said, “My apologies. I am just a human being.” she...
Posted On 03 Aug 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s Statement in Parliament

The following is the statement by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at Friday’s first sitting of the fourth session of the tenth Parliament. Mr. Speaker, On behalf of the Government, I thank you for the opportunity to address this Honourable House, at this, the start of...
Posted On 02 Aug 2013
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Warner not taking ILP into PP

Local Government Minister Dr Surujrattan Rambachan says it’s sad that re-elected Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner does not want to work with the People’s Partnership Government. Rambachan was speaking with reporters during an Emancipation Day parade and cultural rally in his...
Posted On 02 Aug 2013
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Show respect addressing the Prime Minister

THE EDITOR: I never heard anyone call the first Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago by his first name “Eric, Eric, Eric” No one referred to the second Prime Minister as “George, George, George” or the third as “Arthur, Arthur, Arthur”. Not even our fourth Prime Minister was...
Posted On 02 Aug 2013
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$67M training centre for Chaguanas

CABINET yesterday approved plans to build a $67.3 million training centre at Chaguanas to target 1,000 young students, Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim announced yesterday. Speaking at the post-Cabinet media briefing – at which measures were also announced to increase...
Posted On 01 Aug 2013
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PNM supporters voted for Jack, says Rowley

Leader of the People’s National Movement (PNM) Dr Keith Rowley suggested yesterday that PNM supporters voted for Jack Warner in Monday’s Chaguanas West by-election. Rowley was responding to questions on the 400 votes received by the party’s candidate, Avinash Singh. Speaking to...
Posted On 01 Aug 2013
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President Anthony Carmona has appointed four new Independent Senators. According to a statement from the Government Information Services Limited (GISL), President Carmona, in exercise of the power vested in him by paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of Section 40 of the Constitution...
Posted On 31 Jul 2013
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Kamla: Emancipation a celebration of triumph over oppression

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on all citizens to unite for true equality. In her Emancipation message, Persad-Bissessar stated that the 175th Anniversary of Emancipation is a real opportunity to “emancipate ourselves from mental slavery” and to design a new...
Posted On 31 Jul 2013
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Gypsy still loyal to UNC

MP for Mayaro, Mr. Winston ‘Gyspy’ Peters, says he is still a member of the United National Congress and has no intention of crossing the floor to the Independent Liberal Party (ILP). Speaking about his presence at the ILP bye-election camp on Monday, he said...
Posted On 30 Jul 2013
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