The world has lost a freedom fighter

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC says the world has lost a freedom fighter and statesman with the death of South Africa’s first black President, Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela died this afternoon at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the age of 95. According to...
Posted On 06 Dec 2013
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PM hands out land leases

Although they had to wait just over ten years to receive their allocations of agricultural and residential plots of land, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has advised former sugar workers to guard against being used on the political platform by persons aligned against...
Posted On 05 Dec 2013
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NAR alliance indicates a grand slide for ILP

While perusing the newspapers this morning I read that the ILP is forming a “grand alliance” with the NAR. To my mind, the only thing that Dr Carson Charles brings to the ILP is his boyish smile and the NAR membership of about 20 members. If Mr Jack Warner feels that makes it a...
Posted On 05 Dec 2013
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PM’s message on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

“Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all” is this year’s theme for International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Every individual deserves the right to equality, the right to have full access to all services in a country and the right to fully participate...
Posted On 04 Dec 2013
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Commentary: Rowley’s Senate moves is a dangerous political gamble

Keith Rowley’s move to shake things up in the Senate is no accident and we need to look beyond today to understand what is happening within the opposition People’s National Movement (PNM). When Rowley, as political leader, got the party to change the constitution to follow the...
Posted On 04 Dec 2013
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200 families get keys to Sando homes

Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moo­nilal said yesterday approximately 8,719 housing units will be delivered over the next two years to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. Moonilal made the statement at the key distribution ceremony in Cypress Hills, Union Hall, San Fernando, where 200...
Posted On 04 Dec 2013
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Child Protection Task Force to be formed

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar has announced that a Child Protection Task Force will be established with a mandate to review all existing policies, legislation and protocols in place to protect the nation’s children. The Child Protection Task Force’s first task is to...
Posted On 01 Dec 2013
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PM’s message in recognition of International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

Article Four of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) states: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude: slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.” The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, December 2nd, recalls the adoption, by...
Posted On 30 Nov 2013
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PM’s message in commemoration on World AIDS Day

Fellow citizens, HIV and AIDS remain one of the world’s most significant public health challenges. World AIDS Day, observed on the 1st December each year, is an important opportunity when governments, faith organizations, community organizations, and individuals around the world...
Posted On 30 Nov 2013
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The true story of the “Boston Miracle”

Dear Editor: Unfortunately I was not able to hear the presentation given by William Bratton on his recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago. However, last week while at the Harvard Business School I had the distinct honour of hearing a first hand account by Reverend Jeffrey Brown, one...
Posted On 30 Nov 2013
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