
Chief Whip: Don’t suppress Paria COE Report

There must be no cover-up, no suppression, or hiding of the Commission of Enquiry’s Report into the Paria Tragedy by the government. The Government has a moral, humanitarian and ethical responsibility to the people of our nation to make the Commission’s report public by laying it...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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Indarsingh Slams RIC Consultations

The proposed electricity rate increases by the Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) are a stab in the backs of the working class of Trinidad and Tobago by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and his PNM Government. After seven (7) years at the helm of this economy, the fact that...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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Last year, the murder rate skyrocketed to 605 with a further 56 missing without a trace, making 2022 the deadliest year in our nation’s history. We are only 14 days into 2023 and 22 people have already been murdered. Since Keith Rowley ridiculously appointed Fitzgerald Hinds to...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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Undermining the Spirit of the Constitution

The recent announcement made by the government in nominating Mrs. Christine Kangaloo for the office of President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago flies in the face of the spirit of the Constitution. Our Republican Constitution of 1976 envisaged the holder of the highest...
Posted On 12 Jan 2023
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Couva North says no to Kangaloo

The constituents of Couva North through their elected representative, MP Ravi Ratiram have expressed their dissent over the PNM’s proposed candidate Ms. Christine Kangaloo to the Office of President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The decision by Prime Minister Keith...
Posted On 12 Jan 2023
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Clear and present threat to Democracy

“The sole recommendation by the Rowley administration of former PNM Minister and Member of Parliament Christine Kangaloo for President is effectively burning our Constitution and taking Trinidad and Tobago headlong into dictatorship.” declared MP Davendranath Tancoo. What...
Posted On 12 Jan 2023
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Couva South Objects to Kangaloo, President’s House Will be Reduced to a ‘Kangaloo Court’

The people of Couva South unanimously object to the nomination of Senator Christine Kangaloo as President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. At a meeting held last evening, key social and political stakeholders agreed that the appointment of Senator Christine Kangaloo opened...
Posted On 11 Jan 2023
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Tancoo: Government playing Russian roulette with our country and economy

“The PNM government has deliberately chosen to risk the lives of citizens in an effort to divert attention away from the growing list of problems affecting the country as there have been no public statements on measures implemented given the latest Covid variant. They are playing...
Posted On 11 Jan 2023
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PARAY: A Nation that Cannot Protect Children is a Failed State

The murders of six-year-old primary student Kylie Maloney, is yet another tragedy involving crimes against children in our nation. I join the nation in mourning the death of the beautiful innocent daughter of our nation, and my deepest condolences go out to the entire Maloney...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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PADARATH: RIC are cowards, denies citizens face to face consultations

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed the Regulated Industries Commission for what he describes as an act of extreme cowardice. Padarath said that he noted an advertisement in several daily newspapers today from the RIC, calling on the public to send in their comments in...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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