PM proposes seismic constitutional shifts for country’s executive

By Garfield Higgins “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —...
Posted On 21 Aug 2014
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Corruption should not be tolerated at any level

Dear Editor: We all reference Singapore as the pinnacle of economic performance and everyone usually quotes their economic model as the one we  should try to emulate. However, we need to be cognizant of one key fact which differentiates the Singaporeans from us. In 1965, when Lee...
Posted On 20 Aug 2014
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Productivity at risk!

Dear Editor: At the turn of the twentieth century, most great economist of that time, such as Alfred Marshall and Joseph Schumpeter came to the realisation that  gains in productivity was essential for economic growth. An increase in real wealth was only possible by improving the...
Posted On 20 Aug 2014
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Talk to me

Even though debate on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill is due to begin in the Senate next Tuesday, Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar has urged those civil society organisations which have called for the legislation to be delayed to send in their suggestions and...
Posted On 20 Aug 2014
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Update on Report of Special Prisons Committee

The Technical Team, established by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, with the mandate of implementing Cabinet decisions resulting from the Report of the Special Prisons Committee, has delivered a status update on many ongoing works. The Chairman of the Technical Team, the...
Posted On 18 Aug 2014
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There will be no backing down on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014. In fact, the People’s Partnership Government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar herself will hit the ground from today in a bid to educate the people and clear the fears and doubts with respect to...
Posted On 18 Aug 2014
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Campaign of panic and fear

PM on opposition to Constitution Amendment FACE-TO-FACE Mischief-makers are having a field day with the Constitution Amendment Bill now before the Parliament, laments Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. In this interview she complains about personal attacks against her, which...
Posted On 17 Aug 2014
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PP MP’s going beyond the call of duty

Prior to 2010 did constituents have the mobile numbers of their MPs? Even if you did and you called, would they have answered? If they missed your call, would they haved returned it? A few weeks ago I tried calling Dr. Rambachan a few times; it is important to note, we don’t know...
Posted On 17 Aug 2014
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Runoff vs first-past-the-post

By ANDRE BAGOO THE CONSTITUTION (Amendment) Bill 2014 proposes to replace the current first-past-the-post system of voting for an MP with one which would require the winning candidate to have a clear majority among the people who vote in a constituency. Currently, the vast...
Posted On 17 Aug 2014
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Run-off no threat to democracy

For decades, we have been hearing about constitutional reform. What is this constitutional reform they speak about? To the average man, it is just something politicians say, but we have no idea what it is because it has never materialised. Like the man who perpetually says he...
Posted On 17 Aug 2014
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