No consultation between UWI Guild President and TSUTT

The Guild of Students of the University of the West Indies St. Augustine wishes to acknowledge that it has made no official statement on the Constitution Amendment Bill 2014 thus far.  The 24-­member Council of the Guild considers as misleading, the contents of a video news...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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UNC Women’s Arm Hails Forward Thinking Constitution Amendment Bill

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress (UNC) hails Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar for bringing Forward Thinking Legislation in the form of the Constitution Amendment Bill, 2014. We are of the view that the Prime Minister must be commended for not only...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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Dr Rowley Should Not Go Unscathed

Dear Editor, It is high time that Dr Rowley be held accountable for trying to mislead the country with his e-mail allegations of conspiracy and corruption against the Prime Minister, and other Government officials. On May 23, 2013 one day after the defeat of his no-confidence...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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Google shoots down ‘Emailgate’: Ramlogan plans to sue Rowley ATTORNEYS representing Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday produced a certified affidavit from Google Inc which they claim invalidates the entire emailgate scandal. They now intend to find the conspirators who...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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ATGWTU : Constitutional Bill, A Step in The Right Direction

The President General of the All Trinidad General Workers’ Trade Union Nirvan Maharaj wishes to express his preliminary point of view regarding the contents of the constitutional amendment bill. This point of view is not cast in stone, but may be altered or even changed depending...
Posted On 24 Aug 2014
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Let’s get the runoff on

THE EDITOR: Madam Prime Minister you have the support of the vast majority of the population for the Constitution Amendment Bill 2014 that calls for a runoff in the constituencies where there is no clear majority winner ie someone securing over 50 percent of the votes cast. All...
Posted On 24 Aug 2014
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A GOVERNMENT-commissioned Mori Caribbean poll on the question of proposals in the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 has found that a majority of the population is in support of all three proposals for a threshold/runoff; a right of recall and term limits for prime ministers,...
Posted On 24 Aug 2014
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True Leadership by Prime Minister Kamla

Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar is most deserving of the commendation of being the most courageous and magnanimous leader of Trinidad and Tobago. Consistent with her actions of awarding the late Former Prime Minister George Chambers the nation’s highest award, Mrs Persad...
Posted On 22 Aug 2014
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Statement by Prime Minister Kamla on Mr. Manning refusal of award

It is unfortunate that the former Honourable Prime Minister and Political Leader of the People’s National Movement, Patrick Manning, has declined the offer of this nation’s highest award, the Order of Trinidad and Tobago. Whatever differences we may share politically...
Posted On 22 Aug 2014
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First Bank Village Youth Camp – A Huge Success

Youths from Bank Village and environs graduated on Tuesday from a vacation camp hosted free of charge by Couva North MP, Ramona Ramdial. The camp was held at the recently opened Bank Village Empowerment Centre from July 21 to August 18 and featured classes which exposed children...
Posted On 22 Aug 2014
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