Couva North Celebrates Divali at Limehead Road

DIVALI celebrations hosted by Couva North MP, Ramona Ramdial were held at the recently opened Limehead Road Public Park on Tuesday evening to the delight of her constituents. Indian dancing, singing and other cultural items were featured following Lakshmi Puja and the traditional...
Posted On 16 Oct 2014
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Unbecoming behaviour

Last Wednesday night, the Attorney General and his wife were involved in a vehicular accident. Fortunately for them, they escaped relatively unscathed. One of his security detail suffered some injuries, but in whole the incident wasn’t disastrous. However, what ensued in the...
Posted On 15 Oct 2014
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No concrete decision made on Carnival 2015

15th October, 2014: Minister of National Security Senator the Honourable Gary Griffith wishes to advise that there is no concrete decision by the Government on the postponement of Carnival 2015, so as at this time, Carnival 2015 is still scheduled to take place at the dates...
Posted On 15 Oct 2014
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Senator Maharaj Attends World Food Security Committee

October 14th, 2014: On the heels of the annual international observation of World Food Day on October 16th Senator the Honourable Devant Maharaj is currently in attendance at the Forty First Session of the Committee on World Food Security in Rome, Italy. The Committee on World...
Posted On 15 Oct 2014
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Minister Griffith discusses security plans for Carnival 2015 with NCC

October 10, 2014: The Minister of National Security, Senator the Honourable Gary Griffith, met with officials of the National Carnival Commission (NCC) on Wednesday 8thOctober 2014, to have preliminary discussions on issues surrounding Security during the 2015 Carnival period....
Posted On 14 Oct 2014
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Minister Griffith Supports Integration But Not at The Cost of National Security

In response to recent statements made by both the Jamaican Foreign Minister and his Opposition counterpart regarding the refusal of entry of thirteen (13) Jamaicans into Trinidad and Tobago, the Minister of National Security Senator the Honourable Gary Griffith reiterates that...
Posted On 14 Oct 2014
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Not the route to take

By Capil Bissoon When Dr Wayne Kublalsingh announced his second hunger strike I, like most people, began to wonder whether he would surpass his previous 21-day record. For most Trinidadians the thought of 21 days without food or water is almost unthinkable. As he entered day 25...
Posted On 13 Oct 2014
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Kamla: I cannot allow the nation to be held to ransom

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has reiterated that as much as she cares for, and was deeply concerned about the well-being of environmentalist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh she cannot allow the nation to be held to ransom. “If there were some way I could end this without...
Posted On 13 Oct 2014
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PM Kamla Visits Kublalsingh in Hospital: Prays With Him but Stands Firm on Highway Project

I have been informed that Dr Wayne Kublalsingh was admitted to St Clair Medical Centre for observation and medical checks. I remain deeply concerned as I always have for Wayne’s health and I continue to pray for him. I have sent a message to the family as to whether I would...
Posted On 12 Oct 2014
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Playing smart with foolishness

Dear Editor: My mother use to tell me, you must not play smart with foolishness! What wise words they have turned out to be as I have lived my life. These part couple of week we have seen significant foolishness being played out in front of our very eyes and people playing smart...
Posted On 11 Oct 2014
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