Luxury hunger strikes

By: Marion O’Callaghan On the October 25, 1920, Terrence MacSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork, died in Brixton Prison, London. It was the 74th day of his hunger strike. His death followed that of his friend and predecessor Tomàs MacCurtain, Lord Mayor of Cork, shot dead in his house...
Posted On 21 Oct 2014
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Education Ministry Clarifies False Allegations of “Secret” 2014 CAPE Scholarships

October 20, 2014: An article published in the Sunday Guardian (dated October 19th, 2014) is under heavy scrutiny by the Education Ministry, as it seeks to clarify the system for the publication and announcement of CAPE scholarship awards. This in a press release from the Ministry...
Posted On 21 Oct 2014
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Govt appeals to Ravi to end hunger strike

GOVERNMENT is now appealing to Ravi Balgobin Maharaj to end his hunger strike and preserve his health and wellbeing. The appeal was made in a public statement by Minister of Trade, Industry, Investment and Communication, Senator Vasant Bharath, following news that the young man...
Posted On 19 Oct 2014
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A highway for the people

Attorney General Senator Anand Ramlogan, SC responds to Terrence Soodeen’s commentary in the “Trinidad Express” of Oct 17, 2014 captioned Doubting Ralph The Editor, EXPRESS newspaper:- To respond to every statement made in the media opens you up to the criticism that your skin is...
Posted On 19 Oct 2014
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Kublalsingh defying science

THE EDITOR: Dr Wayne Kublalsingh apparently has the ability to defy what is commonly known as “the rule of threes”: three minutes without air, three hours in severe cold, three days without water, and three weeks without food. That he has managed to convince most of this nation...
Posted On 19 Oct 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Saturday announced a 20 per cent discount on selected grocery items as a gift for Divali, which is being celebrated as a national holiday on Thursday. She was speaking at a Divali celebration at her constituency office in Penal. Here is an...
Posted On 18 Oct 2014
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Project 40 should fast for genuine cause

Dear Editor: I admire the exuberance of youth. Once they identify a cause, they dive headstrong into their task, giving their all with enthusiasm. However, sometime their exuberance can be misguided. I believe this time it is. Project 40 has pledge their support for Dr. Wayne...
Posted On 18 Oct 2014
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Cannot starve myself to have my voice heard

The Editor: I would like to thank the media for giving this space for letters so that the voiceless could have a voice. I have been very frustrated by the fact that Dr Kublalsingh can take it upon himself to fast against the Debe-to-Mon Desir section of the Sir Solomon Hochoy...
Posted On 18 Oct 2014
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PM Speech at Divali Reception 2014

Namaste – The divine light in me honours the divine light in each and every one of you. Welcome to our celebration of the joyous occasion of Divali, which our country commemorates as a National holiday next week Thursday. On behalf of the people and Government of Trinidad and...
Posted On 17 Oct 2014
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PM to set up Ebola prevention/response team

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Thursday night detailed this country’s response to the Ebola threat. During a speech at a Divali function at the Diplomatic Centre in Port of Spain, Persad-Bissessar said an Ebola Prevention and Response Team was to be set up,...
Posted On 17 Oct 2014
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