What about the facts?

Dear Editor, Permit me to comment on the issue of the protest action by Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh on the Debe to Mon Desir leg of the highway to Point Fortin. I have watched this protest movement develop by attracting full media coverage. Within recent times, many have joined the...
Posted On 29 Oct 2014
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Fixing T&T Creating Fear and Peddling Misinformation

Kirk Waithe’s disingenuous statement that the People’s Partnership government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar does not plan to hold an election in 2015 is an example of fear mongering and irresponsible chatter that have become characteristic of those clearly opposed...
Posted On 28 Oct 2014
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Kamla: Parliament sitting in November was always our plan As she announced Parliament would resume sittings next week Friday, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday chastised Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley for his comments that Government had abandoned Parliament. The...
Posted On 28 Oct 2014
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Prime Minister Extends Condolences on the Passing of Hazel Ward-Redman

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, today extended condolences to the family of broadcast pioneer and television personality, Mrs Hazel Ward-Redman, who passed away this morning. “I am deeply saddened by the passing of this remarkable woman, fondly known to past...
Posted On 27 Oct 2014
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Statement by the PM on meeting with THA Chief Secretary

Good afternoon. I endorse the comments made by the Honourable Orville London, Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly following the meeting with him and his delegation today, where seven issues were discussed, which provide an agenda framework with regard to the way...
Posted On 27 Oct 2014
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Fast becoming a nuisance

The Editor: For the past 40 days, the viewing public had no choice but to see and read about Kublalsingh’s hunger strike against the State’s decision to build a highway segment between Debe and Mon Desir. Honestly, it has become a nuisance more than an interesting story now....
Posted On 27 Oct 2014
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Behaving like a spoilt child

The Editor: The ”for and against” the hunger striker keeps going into debate day by day. Some view him as a hero for standing up in cases of environmental causes, other see him as a hindrance to progress. Whatever the perception of him, one thing for certain is that the...
Posted On 27 Oct 2014
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No mediation required

The Editor: Mediation, as used in law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties with concrete effects. Typically, a third party, the mediator assists the parties to negotiate a settlement. In addition to dispute...
Posted On 27 Oct 2014
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Signs of things to come

The Editor: The PNM held the Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation in 2009, but in 2010, the People’s Partnership took control following the June 2010 local government elections. In October 2013, the PNM regained control of the corporation. Recently this Regional Corporation was...
Posted On 26 Oct 2014
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Respect our laws

Law is generally a system of rules, which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour. It is evident that man must be governed, a fact that existed since the beginning of time. Therefore laws or rules must be implemented to guide all humanity. Every country has...
Posted On 25 Oct 2014
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