Five sea turtle carcases found entangled in fishing nets at Salybia Beach

On Tuesday 28th October 2014, Game Wardens responded to a call about five sea turtle carcases which were found entangled in fishing nets at Salybia Beach. Upon investigation, the carcases were removed and an overnight surveillance was carried out. No persons were apprehended, but...
Posted On 06 Nov 2014
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UNC appoints former High Commissioner Caretaker for Diego Martin North East Constituency

The United National Congress announced today that former High Commissioner Garvin Nicholas has with immediate effect been appointed Caretaker for the Diego Martin North East Constituency. This move has been taken to ensure that the party’s efforts in this constituency will be...
Posted On 06 Nov 2014
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Attorney General Leads CFATF Delegation To Paris

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan led a team of high level public officials as part of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) delegation to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Plenary in Paris, France. Members included Susan Francois, Director of the Financial...
Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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Rolling out the red carpet for investors

Released Wednesday 29th October, 2014, the 2015 Doing Business Report ranks Trinidad and Tobago among the top ten performers worldwide! Specifically on page 5 of the Report it states that “among the 21 economies with the most reforms making it easier to do business in 2013/14,...
Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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Upswing in the oil and gas industry

This may well be the most prolific period in the history of the Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) for licensing acreage for exploration. To illustrate, I make mention of several significant landmark changes during the history of the energy sector. BP one of our largest energy giant...
Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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PM: Caricom must unite on Ebola

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar believes the Caribbean Community (Caricom) needs to come together to deal with the potential threat that the Ebola virus poses to the region. The Prime Minister was addressing Caricom Heads of Government before the start of the 17th special...
Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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Public Administration Minister: Government not messing with PSC’s turf

PORT OF SPAIN, NOVEMBER 04, 2014: Public Administration Minister, the Honourable Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, says Government is not interfering in the recruitment and selection of individuals for permanent (established and pensionable) positions in the Public Service, which,...
Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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DOMA: Crime down in capital city

Reports of a reduction in crime in Port of Spain are coming from business people in the capital city. During the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s launch of its annual Safe City crime initiative for the Christmas season yesterday, Downtown Owners and Merchants Association...
Posted On 04 Nov 2014
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Serious crime has decreased under Partnership

By Capil Bissoon Two Sundays ago, People’s National Movement (PNM) members were at the Hyatt, hoping to hear their political leader speak of progressive policies and articulate a forward-looking vision for Trinidad and Tobago; no such thing happened. What the handpicked delegates...
Posted On 03 Nov 2014
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The Game changers

The petroleum industry, which is Trinidad and Tobago’s largest and most important industry is governed principally by the Petroleum Act and Regulations. The Act and Regulations together establish a regulatory framework for the grant of Exploration and Production Licenc...
Posted On 03 Nov 2014
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