A nation at the crossroads

By Capil Bissoon Jump high, jump low. there is a sense that our country is now at the crossroads. We have exhausted existing governance paradigms. Institutions like the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Integrity Commission,...
Posted On 01 Jun 2015
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PM Address at NCIC Indian Arrival Day celebrations

INTRODUCTION   Good evening, As-Salaam-Alaikum, Sita Ram.   It is my great pleasure to greet you all this evening as we celebrate 170 years of the East Indian presence in our country.   I do so with deep pride, because we are celebrating that moment of arrival, and...
Posted On 30 May 2015
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Rowley’s Gutter Politics

By Parasram “As the woman fell, during the skit, one of the marchers stood over and remonstrated her conduct…marchers of Diego Martin West were interrupted by an uncoordinated woman, again clad in bright yellow and carrying a bottle of rum…The woman lurched as she held her...
Posted On 30 May 2015
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Indian Arrival Day Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla

My fellow citizens. Today marks a national occasion that reminds us of the indomitable strength of the human spirit, especially in times of challenges and adversity. The commemoration of 170 years since the first arrival of East Indians in Trinidad & Tobago is a special one...
Posted On 30 May 2015
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AG Garvin Nicholas explains processing of Warner’s extradition

There have been many statements made in the public arena following the arrest of Mr. Jack Warner on 27th May 2015. This is of course expected due to the effect this matter has had worldwide and Mr. Warner’s public standing in Trinidad and Tobago. However, many erroneous and...
Posted On 29 May 2015
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New Maloney Police Station opens

Government is strengthening national security in an effort “to win back communities.” This, from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as she opened the new Maloney Police Station on Thursday afternoon. Speaking at the ceremony, she said her Government has taken steps...
Posted On 29 May 2015
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New Coast Guard vessel sails in

THE Coast Guard’s newest weapon in the fight against the illegal gun and narcotics trade in our territorial waters was formally unveiled yesterday by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar during a viewing ceremony at the International Waterfront, Port-of-Spain. The TTS Point...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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The use of technology improves PM ratings

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a co-worker thousands of miles away to you long lost childhood sweetheart. The Internet has erased boundaries and created an unprecedented level of freedom of...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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PNM neglect their strongholds

Dear Editor, For those living in the rural areas of Trinidad and to a large extent our friends across the waters in Tobago, rural neglect under the PNM is a familiar theme. We know the focus of their development efforts has always been urban centric, with the common thread of...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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The PNM Renewable Energy Plan

The PNM have always focused their efforts on using non-renewable resources as their means of building our nation. But with the continued depletion of both oil and natural gas reserves, the focus is rapidly shifting towards renewable energy sources to fuel further development....
Posted On 28 May 2015
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