AG Nicholas to Rowley “bring the evidence”

“Dear Dr. Rowley Re: Public utterances made on Sunday 9 August 2015 at Market Square, Scarborough I note with grave concern the following public utterances made by you on a political platform at Market Square, Scarborough, on Sunday 9 August 2015: “Lo and behold, as /...
Posted On 14 Aug 2015
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La Brea – PNM’s loyal stepchild, 50 years of neglect

by Capil Bissoon The Rowley PNM seems to have a death wish for people of La Brea, one of its most loyal constituencies. After decades of neglect caused in part by poor representation, the best it is offering La Brea today is a plywood factory, which presents serious health issues...
Posted On 11 Aug 2015
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Providing Jobs for Graduates

Tuesday August 11, 2015 PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar Will Support Successful Graduates and Provide Them with Job Opportunities After Graduation. This morning, Fazal Karim, Minister of Tertiary Education and Skills Training, met reporters at the MIC Institute of Technology, to talk...
Posted On 11 Aug 2015
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Coast Guard gets three vessels

Government’s newly-acquired coastal patrol vessel (CPV) CG 25, interceptor (vessel) and supply vessels for the Coast Guard are due to conduct their first coastal patrol training offshore from today, having completed yesterday a period of theoretical training onshore. The CPV and...
Posted On 10 Aug 2015
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Bharath: Rowley’s claims completely false

OPPOSITION Leader Dr Keith Rowley’s latest allegation against the Government is completely false and designed to create panic. This according to Communication Minister, Vasant Bharath, who dismissed claims made by Rowley while speaking on a PNM Platform in Tobago at the weeken...
Posted On 10 Aug 2015
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PM Kamla Speaking Notes Manifesto 2015 Launch

VISION One month from today the people of Trinidad and Tobago will decide whether they want our country to continue moving forward – or whether they want to return to a PNM dominated past they so comprehensively rejected in 2010. Today I am laying out my vision for the next five...
Posted On 08 Aug 2015
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20 Pledges for 2020: Kamla’s Plan for Trinidad and Tobago

Today, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar launched 20 Pledges for 2020, her plan for the next five years of a People’s Partnership government. “We can continue to build a better Trinidad & Tobago by keeping our economy on track, continuing to invest in education and skills...
Posted On 07 Aug 2015
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Mary King’s call absurd

In a country where a lot of the persons in his society seem to be well educated, they make the most absurd comments to the public which can be misleading and misguided. Some of these comments are nothing short of being vindictive and careless. One such utterance is the call for...
Posted On 07 Aug 2015
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Charles: Keith Rowley’s Legacy of Failure

  This morning (Thursday 06 August), UNC Campaign Manager Rodney Charles spoke in front of the Government Campus Plaza, to talk about Keith Rowley’s history of failures during the last administration. “During his time in government, Keith Rowley and his party presided over a...
Posted On 07 Aug 2015
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DIVERSIFICATION of T&T’s economy through the Blue, Green and Silver Economies articulated by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar continues at rapid fire speed. PM Kamla has spoken of the blue economy to diversify our energy-based economy, create jobs, protect the...
Posted On 06 Aug 2015
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