Kamla: A budget of deception

The PNM’s 2016 budget of deceptive figures will place financial pain on the poor, middle class, workers, small and medium businesses and everyone to whom costs are being passed on, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar warned yesterday. Delivering the first budget reply in her...
Posted On 10 Oct 2015
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Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar Budget Speech

  Thank you Madame Speaker. I take this opportunity to thank God and, the over 341,000 persons (representing 31% of the electorate) who made it possible for us to take our seats on this side of this honourable house  by voting for us, thereby placing us at this time  (subject to...
Posted On 09 Oct 2015
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UNC Women: No Gender Component in Budget

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress recently held a Post Budget Discussion on Wednesday 7th October, 2015 at the Gulf View Community Center, hosted by the Chair of the UNC Women’s Arm, Stacy Roopnarine. At this event, the women noted that this year’s...
Posted On 08 Oct 2015
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Charles: Imbert’s budget was an exercise in deceptive arithmetic and bookkeeping

The first budget of any administration is expected to set the tone for its approach to governance. Accusatory words at the start of the budget presentation like “nepotism”, “immorality”, “betrayal” and “greed” to describe the UNC...
Posted On 08 Oct 2015
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Outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Thursday 8th October 2015 Statement on the Outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Jamaica and its Implications on Trinidad and Tobago There has been an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in a growing number of schools across Jamaica within the past few weeks, and to...
Posted On 08 Oct 2015
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Kamla: Not enough for health care

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the 2015-2016 Budget did not provide enough for health care in Trinidad and Tobago. Speaking during a news conference after Finance Minister Colm Imbert presented the $63 billion budget in Parliament, at Tower D, Wrightson Road on...
Posted On 07 Oct 2015
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MP Ramdial Thanks Constituents For Rescuing Dolphin

Conservationists along with fishermen and residents from Orange Valley rescued a beached bottlenose dolphin on Saturday and safely returned it to sea. Couva North Member of Parliament, Ramona Ramdial commended her constituents for their speedy response to reports of the beached...
Posted On 06 Oct 2015
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Kamla: Jobs, social safety net, construction, partnerships central to economic strength and stability

“When Finance Minister Colm Imbert presents his budget tomorrow, we will see whether the Rowley administration intends to protect jobs and the vulnerable, keep the construction sector moving and build partnerships with the private sector. Protecting jobs and the most vulnerable,...
Posted On 04 Oct 2015
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Moonilal seeks help for HDC residents

Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal is calling on his successor, Housing and Urban Development Minister, Marlene Mc Donald, to prevent the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) from taking possible punitive action with respect to residents in at least three of its estates in his...
Posted On 04 Oct 2015
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Dr. Khan calls on Minister to investigate Delay of Pension Cheques

Saturday 3rd October 2015 Statement by the Member of Parliament for Barataria/San Juan, Hon. Dr. Fuad Khan, on the Delay in the Delivery of Cheques to our Old Aged Pensioners It has been brought to my attention that many persons throughout the country have not as yet received...
Posted On 03 Oct 2015
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