Kamla: S&P Analysis Has Vindicated The People’s Partnership

The ability of the former People’s Partnership Government to understand the economic challenges facing the nation and respond decisively with a strong economic plan is largely responsible for the affirmation of the long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit rating by...
Posted On 28 Dec 2015
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Statement on Forthcoming Address to the Nation by PM Keith Rowley

In a statement to the media today, Leader of the Opposition, Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar indicated that she is keenly anticipating the forthcoming address to the nation by Prime Minister Keith Rowley. She noted that the PNM has already begun to speak in veiled language about the...
Posted On 26 Dec 2015
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UNC: Independent Institutions Under Attack

The United National Congress notes with more than passing concern the un-democratic actions of the Rowley-led PNM administration namely the dismissal of the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Jwala Rambarran. As the PNM continues to victimise employees of the state the country...
Posted On 24 Dec 2015
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Opposition Leader Extends Christmas Greetings

Today, as we celebrate another Christmas with loved ones, it is a good time to reflect on the true meaning of this remarkable event that brings out the best in humanity. The universal message of peace, goodwill and togetherness was handed down from the first Christmas and remains...
Posted On 24 Dec 2015
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KAMLA: PNM Victimization and Entrapment in Firing of CBTT Governor

I am shocked but not surprised at the decision of the government of Trinidad and Tobago to instruct the acting President to fire Central Bank Governor, Jwala Rambarran. The action against Mr. Rambarran has the hallmarks of PNM victimization that we have seen in previous years...
Posted On 24 Dec 2015
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Political Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar speech at inauguration of new NATEX

Greetings Good evening my friends and members of our UNC family. We are gathered here today to mark an important milestone in our party’s history and to signal the start of another phase in our journey together. It is a journey that would make us stronger, more united and ready...
Posted On 17 Dec 2015
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Praedial Larceny Squad doomed under Rambarath

I wish to lend support to the Deputy Political Leader of the United National Congress, Ms. Khadijah Ameen, regarding her concerns over the present mismanagement of the Praedial Larceny Squad (PLS). The planned move of the PLS to the Ministry of National Security by the...
Posted On 16 Dec 2015
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DOUBTS over back-pay commitments to Public Servants, Police Officers and others in the Public Service is a failure of the Minister of Finance and Government; no one else. This according to Opposition Leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar following the disturbing statement by Finance...
Posted On 12 Dec 2015
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Kamla: Govt’s ‘doomsday thinking’ could further hurt economy

The Opposition is deeply concerned by the fact that the Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, appears to have misunderstood and misinterpreted the concept of natural gas reserves. When Dr Rowley recently claimed that Trinidad & Tobago has seven years of natural gas remaining, it...
Posted On 08 Dec 2015
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Official results of UNC Internal Elections 2015

POLITICAL LEADER TOTAL VOTES     Kamla Persad Bissessar – 17502 Roodal Moonilal  – 1821 Vasant Bharath  – 1305     DEPUTY POLITICAL LEADER TOTAL VOTES     Khadijah Ameen – 15654 Rai Ragbir – 12703 Wayne Munro –...
Posted On 07 Dec 2015
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