

International Women’s Day 2016 is being observed at a time when many women are able to reflect on having achieved the dreams held by the women of yesterday. But while women have achieved a great deal, the march towards institutionalised rights and freedoms, and fundamental change...
Posted On 08 Mar 2016
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Buck up or step out

It’s time for this People’s National Movement-led government to “buck up now or step out.” Opposition and United National Congress (UNC) leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, made this statement yesterday as she addressed supporters and members of the media following a UNC “March...
Posted On 06 Mar 2016
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Padarath: A Scandalous Cabinet Wedding Retreat Package

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release made a scathing attack on the Prime Minister and members of the government for using tax payers money to attend the wedding of the daughter of Health Minister Terrance Deyalsingh. Padarath stated that the Prime Minister and...
Posted On 06 Mar 2016
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Padarath: Strenghten Criminal Injuries Compensation Act

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath issued a call to the government through a press release to strengthen the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act. Padarath stated that the state must provide adequate support to victims of crime and that the current legislation needs to be strengthened...
Posted On 04 Mar 2016
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The Chairman of the United National Congress (UNC), Dr. David Lee categorically condemns the apparent victimisation of State-owned First Citizens Bank (FCB) by Finance Minister Colm Imbert in the wake of his sudden and ill-timed request for information from FCB. This request...
Posted On 03 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee: Economic Advisory Board Ineffective – displays lack of vision by PNM Administration

It is quite disappointing as well as disheartening given the grim economic situation facing our nation that a Diversification Strategy has not yet been presented or created neither by the Trinidad and Tobago Government nor the Economic Advisory Board. This is a view similarly...
Posted On 03 Mar 2016
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UNC calls on AG Al Rawi to come clean on discontinuance of case against Malcolm Jones

The United National Congress notes with grave concern the sudden discontinuance of the $1.2 billion case filed by Petrotrin against its former President Malcom Jones as a result of the failed Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) project. This case was filed after extensive forensic investigations...
Posted On 01 Mar 2016
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Steady Stream of Voters in UNC Constituency Elections

Polls have now closed for voting in today’s UNC elections to choose Constituency Executives. There was a steady stream of voters in each of the eight (8) constituencies where the elections were held on the basis of one member, one vote. More than 500 members were nominated for...
Posted On 27 Feb 2016
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MP Lee sympathizes with Chambers of Commerce and calls for Government to Address Foreign Exchange Shortage

In an effort to effectively represent one of the most critical concerns of our national public I sought leave to move the adjournment of the sitting of the House of Representatives on Friday 19th February 2016 for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public...
Posted On 26 Feb 2016
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Padarath: Rowley unfit to speak about unmasking Corruption at Transparency International Event

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release stated that he believed that the Prime Minister was unfit to speak about unmasking corruption at the Transparency International Local Chapter Conference on 8th March 2016. Padarath took issue with Rowley being invited as one of...
Posted On 26 Feb 2016
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