Kamla: UNC Remains Committed to Passing FATCA Bill

In a report in Newsday today, People’s National Movement (PNM) General Secretary Ashton Ford is suggesting that theUnited National Congress (UNC) lacks commitment to Trinidad and Tobago citing the party’s position on the Tax Information Exchange Agreement Bill 2016. Kei...
Posted On 20 Sep 2016
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MP Charles: Foreign Affairs in shambles

Debate on this year’s UN General Assembly, which starts tomorrow in New York and attended by over 130 Heads of State and Government, would have provided an excellent forum for Dr Rowley to engage Turkish President Recep Ergodan and gain useful knowledge on our nine citizens...
Posted On 19 Sep 2016
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AG Al Rawi trying to escape accountability again

The smoke and mirrors game played by Faris Al-Rawi at today’s Post Cabinet Press Conference borders on flat out dishonesty. It is a matter of public record that the Attorney General sat as a member of the board of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC), and in that role would...
Posted On 16 Sep 2016
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Kamla: The Government acted in BAD FAITH

  The Government on Wednesday left Trinidad and Tobago bewildered and acted in bad faith on the Tax Information Exchange Agreement Bill 2016 as it closed the session of Parliament without honouring a public commitment. On Monday, Finance Minister Colm Imbert had stated...
Posted On 15 Sep 2016
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Moonilal: Public anxiously awaits PM Rowley dismissal of Noel Garcia

Trinidad and Tobago is anxiously awaiting Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s dismissal of Noel Garcia as Chairman of Urban Development Corporation (UDECOTT). Apart from his indictment by the Commission of Enquiry into Las Alturas in the scandalous waste of $80 million ...
Posted On 13 Sep 2016
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Opposition Leader Responds to PM’s Address to the Nation

Last night we listened in vain as the Prime Minister attempted to explain away his government’s first year of failure and their lackluster performance. Instead of recognising the stark reality that his government has failed to deliver, we heard excuses, we heard shameless...
Posted On 12 Sep 2016
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Kamla sets the record straight on FATCA

Today, the Leader of the Opposition sought to set the record straight on comments made by the Minister of Finance who presented the Rowley Administration’s response to the Opposition’s position on the FATCA Bill. The Opposition has no objection to the agreement signed between...
Posted On 12 Sep 2016
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Kamla: “If the Government is not working for you then they are working against you.”

Tonight we listened in vain as the Prime Minister tried to account to the nation for his government’s first year of failure and their lack of performance. We heard excuses. We heard blame. We heard shameless propaganda. We heard about hardships that we will continue to endure...
Posted On 12 Sep 2016
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Leader of the Opposition extends greetings to the Muslim community on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha

God often tests and tries those whom he loves. He called upon Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice the object he loved most. Ibrahim answered the call and offered to sacrifice his son. Today God is testing and trying the people of Trinidad and Tobago. He has demanded great sacrifices...
Posted On 11 Sep 2016
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Former Minister of Housing calls on PM Rowley to fire Faris Al Rawi, Noel Garcia and Margaret Chow

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must dismiss public office holders Faris Al Rawi, Noel Garcia and Margaret Chow following their respective major indictments in the $80 million Las Alturas housing scandal. The report of the Commission of Enquiry into the project has confirmed the...
Posted On 10 Sep 2016
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