
Opposition Leader Message on the Occasion of Commonwealth Day

I am pleased to join with the 52 members of the Commonwealth, and its 2.4 billion citizens, in commemorating Commonwealth Day 2017, under the theme “A Peace-Building Commonwealth”. The theme of “peace-building” reaffirms the Commonwealth Charter principle that “international...
Posted On 12 Mar 2017
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Why Dissolve TDC Now?

Tourism Minister, Shamfa Cudjoe’s announcement to dissolve the Tourism Development Company (TDC) adds scores to the number of persons who have been left unemployed since the PNM has been in government. Approximately 150 TDC employees are now threatened to be on the breadline...
Posted On 10 Mar 2017
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Imbert misleading the country on Petrotrin

By Kevin Ramnarine The March 6th 2017 statement by the Minister of Finance regarding the accounts of Petrotrin is misleading. It also suggests that the Minister has now arrogated onto himself the role of the external auditor of Petrotrin. The facts are as follows: 1....
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Tim: Garcia must be held accountable for crisis at Ste. Madeleine Secondary School

Minister of Education Anthony Garcia must be held responsible for the on-going crisis at Ste. Madeleine Secondary School, which descended into the stoning of teachers this week. For months there have been unease, including sporadic incidents of violence, at that institution. Some...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Christine: Time to Unleash the Limitless Potential of our Women

Wednesday March 8th, 2017 marks International Women’s Day – and we in Trinidad and Tobago join hands and hearts with women across the globe in celebrating the tremendous positive achievements forged by our womenfolk. On March 8th, we in Trinidad and Tobago join with women...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Ramona: Women Should Be Bold And Report Abusers

In keeping with the theme of International Women’s Day 2017, ‘Be Bold For Change’; Couva North MP, Ramona Ramdial calls upon women in Trinidad & Tobago to be bold and report abusers. “Our women have become victims of increasing crime, primarily domestic violence resulting in...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Women’s Day Greetings from Member of Parliament for Oropouche West

On International Women’s Day, I take the opportunity to share with women here and elsewhere our agonies, hopes, and convictions that by our action we can make a better future for women. Women have been defined by patriarchal men. We have been defined as objects outside ourselves,...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Kamla calls on Government to table the Gender Policy

Today as I join the world and our national community in the observance of International Women’s Day, I ask all of us to work individually and collectively to effect change so that women will occupy their rightful places as equals in our world. The theme for 2017 is “Be Bold...
Posted On 07 Mar 2017
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Once again, the integrity of the Prime Minister is being challenged

In response to the contribution from Opposition MP Dr Roodal Moonilal, Keith Rowley vehemently denied his Administration had secured the services of any lobbyist in Washington. He is on record as saying, “Where did he (Moonilal) ever get that from, that the Government of Trinidad...
Posted On 06 Mar 2017
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Moonilal: Our nation has never been more unsafe, calls for gov’t to resign

The murders of three people at Debe on Thursday night are the direct result of the PNM Government’s rank incompetence in handling the ever-worsening crime scourge throughout Trinidad and Tobago. The loss of three more lives to the crime epidemic further highlights t...
Posted On 03 Mar 2017
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