By Kevin Ramnarine Last week BP announced that it would not be fabricating the Angelin platform in La Brea. Angelin is BP’s next major gas development project in T&T. It follows on from the Juniper project which is getting ready to start production. The overall investment in...
Posted On 11 Apr 2017
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UNC Chairman – Gov’t fault as La Brea lose Angelin Project

It is quite ironic and unfortunate that Member of Parliament for La Brea; Nicole Olivierrie has sought to put the blame on past protest action of La Brea residents and former employees involved in the building of the Juniper Platform as the core reason for Energy Giant BP opting...
Posted On 07 Apr 2017
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Councillor Laments State Of National Security Over Murder of Burgess

Councillor for Reform / Manahambre Chris Hosein has lashed out at Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon over his lack of enthusiasm and political will in addressing the out of control crime scourge. Hosein was speaking at the home of relatives of murdered Deoraj Bedessie of...
Posted On 04 Apr 2017
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Recent Incident on Rowan Rig is very disturbing and dangerous

The recent protest on the Rowan EXL II is the continuation of a very disturbing and dangerous trend of protest action on operating offshore rigs. Protest action on rigs operating offshore compromises the safety of operations. The latest incident follows on two similar incidents...
Posted On 04 Apr 2017
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The Moving Train

By Kevin Ramnarine Last week the Prime Minister (PM) visited Houston and met with BP, Shell and others. Following the meeting his office announced that BP was planning to invest US$ 5 billion in T&T in the next five years. This is nothing new, comes as no surprise and is the...
Posted On 04 Apr 2017
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Misleading Statement by Minister of National Security

I have noted with great disquiet, misleading information put into the public domain by the Minister of National Security, Attorney General and Acting Commissioner of Police during a press conference on Friday 31st March instant. During the press conference it was suggested that...
Posted On 02 Apr 2017
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UNC Chairman – Why did Government lie to the IRO?

  Based on the public statements made by the President of the Inter Religious Organization (IRO) Brother Harrypersad Maharaj in the media that Government has failed to deliver on a promise of increasing their subvention and actually are yet to provide any subvention or...
Posted On 31 Mar 2017
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Opposition Leader the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends greetings to the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community

On behalf of the Opposition and my family, I extend greetings to the entire Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community as we commemorate and celebrate Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day 2017.   The Spiritual Shouter Baptist community is now an integral part of our multi-cultural,...
Posted On 30 Mar 2017
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Padarath: Is Golf The Agenda of Rowley’s “Energy” Meeting in Houston?

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is calling on Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to make public his itinerary of meetings during his trip to Houston, Texas. The Prime Minister announced that he would be visiting Houston , Texas from March 29th, 2017 with oil giant Shell but gave no...
Posted On 29 Mar 2017
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Fuad:Unavailability of CT Scanners in Public Health System unacceptable

The current state of Computed Tomography (CT) Scanners at our public health institutions is completely unacceptable and needs to be corrected by the Minister of Health immediately. This is the second consecutive year that Mr. Deyalsingh continues to deliver excuses in the place...
Posted On 29 Mar 2017
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