
Divali Greetings from the Leader of the Opposition

I am delighted to send best wishes to my fellow citizens on the joyous occasion of Diwali. As people across our beloved nation gather to illuminate their homes, their communities and their hearts, I wish Mother Lakshmi’s blessings on each and every one of you and your loved ones....
Posted On 17 Oct 2017
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Moonilal: Emailgate II- A frame-up

Today I was informed that the twin ministers at the Attorney General office filed a defense and counter claim against named contractors who first took action against the EMBDC for outstanding payments. The effect of their defense is to postpone the matters that they face in court...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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Statement from the United National Congress on social media calls for protest action at the Divali Nagar

The United National Congress is aware of messages being circulated on various social media platforms encouraging certain protest actions at Divali Nagar tomorrow. The Party wishes to advise that this has not originated from the National Executive of the UNC or its leadership and...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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Pause the doubles for a cause

During the Divali celebrations at the Divali Nagar on October 14th, five teenagers from across the Caribbean were so motivated and excited by the visit of the UNC political leader Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar, that they put a halt to the hot and tasty doubles to pose for a picture...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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Twenty-nine years ago today, the United National Congress (UNC) was born

Today, October 16, is an historic day for our party. On this day 29 years ago, tens of thousands of citizens stood in the rain at Aranguez Savannah and gave Mr. Basdeo Panday the mandate to establish the United National Congress. It was the culmination of months of work by a...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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UNC congratulates Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Volleyball Team on their World Championship qualification

The United National Congress (UNC) congratulates the Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Volleyball team on their stunning achievement in qualifying for the FIVB Women’s World Championships. The Calypso Spikers have once again put this country on the map by becoming the first English...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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The Opposition asks: What’s so special about Faris?

The Opposition notes with growing concern the rampant internal corruption that has reared its ugly head in the bosom of the Rowley PNM and it condemns the selective and convenient invocation of principles and ethics by the political leader and Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley. In...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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Kamla to Government: Focus on the issues, stop disrespecting women

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is urging the Government to focus on addressing the problems facing the country, and to stop disrespecting the women of Trinidad and Tobago. Speaking at the Divali Nagar event on Saturday 14th October, 2017, Mrs...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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Shame on you Camille

The UNC National Women’s Arm notes with disappointment the response of PNM Vice Chairperson and PNM Women’s League Chairperson Mrs Camille Robinson Regis in an article in today’s Newsday regarding the Prime Minister’s reference to women “A golf...
Posted On 14 Oct 2017
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The Bogeyman Thesis – Budget 2018 has not inspired public and investor confidence

Is Government deliberately making the energy and banking sectors into the economic bogeymen of T&T? If so, this is an extremely dangerous course that does not augur well for the future of this nation. Despite the economic storms of the last three years, these two sectors have...
Posted On 14 Oct 2017
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