
Indarsingh: Balmain Presbyterian School remains closed due to an overflowing sewer system

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is today calling on Education Minister Anthony Garcia to move with dispatch to have the sewer system at the Balmain Presbyterian School repaired as a matter of urgency. The School was closed last Friday after a decision...
Posted On 21 Feb 2018
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Oropouche West MP slams disrespectful PNM officials

The MP for Oropouche West, Ms. Vidia Gayadeen Gopeesingh is condemning the brazen displays of disrespect towards the TTPS by PNM officials. In a release issued on Wednesday the MP slammed San Fernando Mayor, Junia Regrello for his distasteful behaviour during Carnival Tuesday...
Posted On 21 Feb 2018
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Kamla: Once again, Government is being disingenuous- the ball is in their court

Opposition’s position is clear – if the Government is serious, agree to parliamentary scrutiny of two-year sunset clause and let’s get Anti-Gang Bill passed Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, today issued the following statement: The safety and...
Posted On 20 Feb 2018
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UNC will support Anti Gang Law if the Government consents to scrutiny

Trinidad and Tobago is a nation in crisis and unfortunately finds itself governed by the most incompetent and clueless government in the history of the country. The Keith Rowley administration continues to play politics with crime. They have thus far only attempted to provide...
Posted On 20 Feb 2018
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Utter disbelief… that’s the reaction of the Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh to Prime Minister Keith Rowley’s announcement in Parliament last Friday that one of the ten Achievements of Government was “Preservation of Jobs.” Indarsingh called the Prime...
Posted On 19 Feb 2018
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Opposition cautiously optimistic after meeting with Government on draft Anti-Gang Bill

Members of the Opposition met today with Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, Minister Stuart Young and Minister Fitzgerald Hinds at Parliament to attempt to arrive at an agreed bi-partisan legislative approach to the fight against crime and the criminal element. The Opposition team...
Posted On 16 Feb 2018
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Moonilal Blast Government Over CEPEP Levy

The unparalleled decision of contractors being forced to levy on The Cepep Company Ltd., is another graphic example of the ineptitude and warped priorities of the incompetent Rowley regime. The removal of furniture and other office essentials from the company’s head offices by...
Posted On 16 Feb 2018
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Hypocrisy of the Government Property Tax Amendments

Today, Friday 16th February 2018, the Rowley Administration will introduce by the Minister of Finance a suite of Bills for second reading in the Parliament including “An Act to amend the Valuation of Land Act, Chap. 58:03” And A Bill entitled, “An Act to amend the Property Tax...
Posted On 16 Feb 2018
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Has the EIA Process Been Compromised for House Padding in St Joseph?

The justification and rationale advanced by the Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat and Housing Minister Randall Mitchell for callous confiscating arable Grade 1 lands that belongs and is a part of the St. Augustine Nurseries is not part of the actual Nursery is an attempt to...
Posted On 14 Feb 2018
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Kamla Knocks Prime Minister’s silence and inaction as rampant crime and violence mar 2018 Carnival celebrations

Citizens continue to suffer as a result of Keith Rowley’s incompetence and inability to deal with crime With just a few hours left of the reign of the Merry Monarch, Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar is expressing deep concern over the levels of crime and violence...
Posted On 13 Feb 2018
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