UNC to Government: Bring Anti-Gang Legislation to Parliament at earliest opportunity; let’s get it passed

After weeks of negotiation, the Prime Minister finally accepted Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s proposal of a two and one-half year sunset clause for the Anti-Gang legislation yesterday. The bill failed in Parliament on December 7th, 2018, and it is only...
Posted On 01 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Smith Must Wake Up From Slumber, Ministry of Sport a Runaway Horse

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed Sport Minister Darryl Smith for his deafening silence on the issues related to the lack of funding for the Elite Athlete’s program. Padarath is calling on the Minister of Sport to address the concerns raised by several athletes...
Posted On 01 Mar 2018
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Oropouche West MP: Education Minister continues to shift blame

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh, is criticizing recent statements made by the Minister of Education on the weight of student’s school bags. Earlier this week the, The Ministry of Education issued a statement highlighting that the weight...
Posted On 01 Mar 2018
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Indarsingh calls Gov’t handling of industrial unrest at SSA reckless and irresponsible

The Keith Rowley-led PNM Administration have unleashed an onslaught on the working class of Trinidad and Tobago, according to Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh. It seems the only policy decision of this Administration towards the working class, in both the private and public...
Posted On 27 Feb 2018
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Kamla tells Government – Opposition will support Anti-Gang Bill with two and a half year sunset clause

Leader of the Opposition and UNC Political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is calling on Government to accept the Opposition’s revised proposal of a sunset clause of two and a half years for the Anti-Gang Bill. Speaking at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum in Barataria/San Juan...
Posted On 27 Feb 2018
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MP David Lee – “Rowley misleading the country on the 10 billion dollar energy investment”

Pointe a Pierre Member of Parliament and UNC Deputy Political Leader David Lee has described the statements made by Prime Minister Keith Rowley at a recent Public Meeting in which he said he earned $10 billion dollars in foreign direct investment for Trinidad and Tobago’s...
Posted On 26 Feb 2018
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Where The $8M Gone?

MP Ramona Ramdial is calling on the Tobago House of Assembly Chief Secretary, Kelvin Charles, to give an update on the investigation into the stolen $8 million in fees meant for Virgin Atlantic Airways. MP Ramdial is also calling for the promised audit to be made public for the...
Posted On 25 Feb 2018
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The United National Congress calls upon Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to immediately remove the former directors of eTeck whom he has appointed to high public office in light of the recent judgement of the Privy Council concerning the disappearance of over $35M in the failed...
Posted On 24 Feb 2018
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Political victimisation in Savary Road, Las Lomas?

The people of Savary Road Ext , Las Lomas ( La Horquetta/ Talparo constituency ) are running out of patience awaiting the resumption of infrastructure development work that was started under the People’s Partnership Gov’t. When I became Councillor for that area in...
Posted On 24 Feb 2018
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Is Housing Minister Randall Mitchell trying to Cover up Wrongdoing at his Ministry?

Is Housing Minister Randall Mitchell seeking to cover up corruption at his Ministry or to avoid public scrutiny about the use of public funds? Mr. Mitchell must publicly explain why he took the unprecedented step of attempting to muzzle the media from discussing aspects of his...
Posted On 22 Feb 2018
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