
Dr Khan calls on gov’t to utilize the facilities at Couva Children’s Hospital

Since the PNM took office in 2015 the nation has witnessed the collapse of our national security defenses, physical infrastructure and economy, and this trend continues as a ceiling of the San Fernando General Hospital crumbled and fell within the Burns Unit where several...
Posted On 11 Mar 2018
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Wednesday marked the mid-term of this Rowley led PNM government for which the people of Trinidad and Tobago have given a failing grade for performance, governance and leadership. Ranking high on the list of failures is that of tourism and the ultimate collapse of the sector from...
Posted On 11 Mar 2018
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UNC condemns Prime Minister’s uncouth behaviour in Parliament

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s behaviour in the House of Representatives on Friday 9th March, 2018 was offensive and unbecoming of the office that he holds. That’s the view of the United National Congress. UNC Deputy Political Leader and Opposition Chief Whip David Lee sai...
Posted On 11 Mar 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath says that Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has once again flip flopped on his position surrounding Marlene McDonald. Padarath questioned the Prime Minister in the Parliament yesterday, posing a question that asked the Prime Minister “Could the Prime...
Posted On 10 Mar 2018
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Oropouche West MP slams the PNM for constantly disrespecting the women of Trinidad and Tobago

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen Gopeesingh is condemning the PNM government for their blatant disregard for the women of our beautiful nation. As we join the world in commemorating International Women’s Day under the theme “press for progress” the...
Posted On 10 Mar 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2018

As we join the international community in celebrating the achievements and contributions of our women, I add my voice to the calls to #PressforProgress. This year’s theme stresses the importance of sustained action as we seek to advance gender equality. International Women’s Day,...
Posted On 08 Mar 2018
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Opposition Leader condemns Government’s move to rush Property Tax legislation

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is sounding a warning on the Government’s move to rush through two important pieces of legislation – the Valuation of Land (Amendment) Bill, 2018 and the Property Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2018. The Opposition Leader issued the...
Posted On 06 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Under PM Rowley, here every creed and race does not find an equal place

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed the government for its lack of funding for this year’s Phagwa celebrations not only with respect to the National Phagwa Council but for groups throughout Trinidad and Tobago. Padarath stated that the government has once again...
Posted On 05 Mar 2018
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Opposition Chief Whip – “Blatant dishonesty and Oppression from the Government at today’s Property Tax Debate”

As Opposition Chief Whip I would like to condemn the actions of the Government as being thoroughly deceitful, dishonest and tyrannical during the debate of the Valuation of Land Amendment Bill 2018 and Property Tax Amendment Bill 2018 at today’s Parliamentary Sitting of the...
Posted On 02 Mar 2018
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Our country cannot survive much more of this incompetence and mismanagement

The Editor: The Keith Rowley administration will go down in history as the most incompetent and destructive government this country has seen in recent years. The single distinguishing feature of this administration is its arrogance and its unwillingness to accept that their...
Posted On 02 Mar 2018
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