
Rowley moves from blame Kamla to blame Manning

In a most unbelievable series of blundering and calculated deception Prime Minister and former Housing Minister Keith Rowley has finally taken complete leave of his senses. Rowley, having blamed Kamla for half his term, has now blamed Patrick Manning for his...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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Your Excellency, On the eve of what will be a momentous and historic occasion for our beloved country and indeed, yourself personally, I feel moved to express the enormous amount of joy, hope, optimism and great expectations I have for your Presidency. Having spent five years...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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UNC Deputy Leader MP Lee – Rowley needs to learn from Kamla on how to manage the energy sector

UNC Deputy Political Leader and Pointe a Pierre MP David Lee is calling on Prime Minister Keith Rowley to learn from Former Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar on the best way to effectively manage our nation’s Energy Sector given that his government has clearly neglected...
Posted On 17 Mar 2018
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Kamla to Government: Consider the poor – All citizens should have access to land registry

  Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is accusing the Government of once again trying to sneak in dangerous provisions into legislation. Speaking during debate on the Registration of Titles to Land (Amendment)(No.2) Bill, 2017, in the House of Representatives...
Posted On 16 Mar 2018
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A crisis of leadership

As we celebrated International Women’s Day this week it was my intention to comment on why it is important for us, as nation to continue to #PressforProgress. I intended to acknowledge how far we have come as a country, with more and more women holding leadership roles, a...
Posted On 16 Mar 2018
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Kamla: Rowley’s incompetence could undo gains made in energy sector under People’s Partnership term

Outgoing bpTT President lauds former Government’s incentives – “Stroke of Brilliance” The show put on at the Hyatt on Wednesday 14th March, 2018 in an attempt to give citizens the impression that the Government is working, fell short of expectations, and the Prime Minister also...
Posted On 15 Mar 2018
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Charles: Where is the Strategic Energy Plan for our energy relations with Guyana?

Yesterday, Dr Rowley spoke at the Spotlight on Energy conference, and said not a word about our relations with Guyana – the CARICOM country on schedule to be the energy giant of our regional body. This should have been a point of discussion at the Conference. To date all...
Posted On 15 Mar 2018
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Indarsingh to Rambharat: Why EMBD surveying lands on Dairy Road in Windsor Park, California?

Couva South Member of Parliament Rudranath Indarsingh is calling on the Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat to launch an immediate enquiry to ascertain why the Estate Management and Business Development Company (EMBD) is surveying the lands on Dairy Road in Windsor Park,...
Posted On 14 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Tells Rowley “Wean yourselves of the State”, Act Now On Cuffie

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for keeping MP Maxie Cuffie in the folds of the Cabinet indefinitely, despite his absence due to illness. Padarath said while the Opposition sympathized with Cuffie and wished him the best, it was obscene,...
Posted On 14 Mar 2018
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Karim: Education Performance: One from Ten Leaves Nought

Former Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim, in responding to the Guardian’s Sunday March 11th 2018 midterm assessment of the Rowley-led Government, stated that after two and a half years, the PNM has failed miserably on every front. Karim stressed that the PNM remains...
Posted On 12 Mar 2018
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