
Kamla on Darryl Smith firing; Dr Rowley does not have what it takes to lead this country and must call the elections now

Four days ago Keith Rowley had confidence in every member of his Cabinet and one day ago he still had confidence in Darryl Smith despite the swirl of allegations of sexual harassment, misconduct and incompetence reported in the national media. Today, claiming “new information”...
Posted On 10 Apr 2018
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Kamla to Rowley; Call the election in Barataria and Belmont East, or face the Court

Political Leader of the United National Congress and Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has once again made good on her promise to the people of this country to fight the wicked Rowley PNM in the Parliament, outside the Parliament and in the Courts. On...
Posted On 10 Apr 2018
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Dr Rowley return to the Ministry of Housing does not inspire confidence

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s return to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is a disturbing throwback to an earlier and troubling period when this vital portfolio fell under his watch. During his first incarnation under the Patrick Manning administration...
Posted On 10 Apr 2018
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Kamla: Latest Cabinet reshuffle by Keith Rowley outrageous and insulting to people of Trinidad and Tobago

“Outrageous and insulting to the people of this country.” This is the way Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is describing Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s latest Cabinet reshuffle. The Leader of the Opposition issued the following statement. Prime Minister...
Posted On 09 Apr 2018
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Shame on you Mr Prime Minister!

The UNC National Women’s Arms joins in the outrage as Minister of Sport Darryl Smith was just reassigned to the Ministry of Housing instead of being completely removed from office. We note with disappointment and dissatisfaction the actions of the Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley...
Posted On 09 Apr 2018
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Kamla to PM: Darryl must go

SPORT Minister Darryl Smith does not have the moral standing to sit in the Parliament or represent any woman in Trinidad and Tobago, says Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who yesterday called for his immediate dismissal. Woman’s rights group Womantra has also...
Posted On 09 Apr 2018
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  Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed the petty and vile comments from Prime Minister Keith Rowley on his call for Rowley to remove Sport Minister, Darryl Smith and Attorney General, Faris Al Rawi over allegations of sexual harassment and an alleged conspiracy to have...
Posted On 09 Apr 2018
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Ministers Moses and Dillon: What are you doing for our Cedros fishermen?

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is asking whether Foreign and CARICOM Affairs Minister Dennis Moses and National Security Minister Edmund Dillon have both abandoned our Cedros fishermen and residents of the Peninsula in their hour of need, effectively leaving them to their own...
Posted On 08 Apr 2018
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Princes Town, MP Barry Padarath says that the details revealed over the allegations of sexual harassment by Minister Darryl Smith in today’s Trinidad Express front page story is damning and damaging. Padarath said that the contents of the article appears to put Minister Darryl...
Posted On 08 Apr 2018
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Indarsingh challenges Baptiste-Primus to provide documentary evidence OJT “ghost”

Couva South Member of Parliament Rudranath Indarsingh is challenging Labour Minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus to provide documentary evidence to substantiate her allegations that the On the Job Training (OJT) scheme were allegedly plagued by “ghosts” employees during the tenure...
Posted On 07 Apr 2018
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