
Message from the Leader of the Opposition to SEA students

The Leader of the Opposition urged both students and parents to be calm and remain focused. “I know you may be feeling some anxiety at this time and it can seem overwhelming, but you have the months of dedication, diligence and hard work which will carry you through this step in...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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MP Lee – Is the Minister of Finance misleading the country on the Standard and Poors Downgrade?

It is quite disingenuous and misleading that the Minister of Finance has sought to blame the recent downgrade of this nation’s economic outlook from stable to negative by Standard and Poors on what he calls “the submission of inaccurate oil and gas forecasts by the...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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UNC Women Concerned with Negative Credit Rating

Rating agencies provide global investors with information on the ability of corporations and countries to pay back debt – for example, how likely they are to make interest payments on time, or to default. The three main global credit rating agencies are Standard and Poor’s...
Posted On 01 May 2018
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MP Bodoe Calls for Clarity on the New Arrangements for the Couva Children’s Hospital

The announcement by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley that the Couva Hospital will soon be opened must be welcome news for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. The potential benefits of this modern hospital which was effectively completed and equipped in 2015, has not been made...
Posted On 01 May 2018
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Suruj Asks Canadian Authorities to Investigate Bridgemans

April 30th 2018 The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould MP Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Dear Honourable Minister, Greetings! Re: Bridgemans Services Limited-595 Burrard St Suite 3043 Vancouver, BC, V7X 1J1 I am a Member...
Posted On 30 Apr 2018
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On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the United National Congress

Today, we celebrate the 29th anniversary of the inception of our great UNC and as we mark this special occasion, we must take a moment to reflect on our core Party principles which sets us apart from any other political institution in this country. Our Party was born out of the...
Posted On 30 Apr 2018
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Charles: Dr Rowley’s “pavement diplomacy” of bullying will not fare well globally or at the UN

  Naparima MP Rodney Charles is slamming Prime Minister Rowley for shaming our country on the global arena by again demonstrating his complete lack of diplomatic sophistication and prowess in his many recent public utterances. Latest example is Dr Rowley’s “bad...
Posted On 29 Apr 2018
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Highlights of the Political Leader’s Address:   INTRODUCTION This is a significant milestone for our party, having been born out of the struggle of people who wanted better governance, a safer country, better educational opportunities for their children, better health care, and a...
Posted On 29 Apr 2018
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Petrotrin’s bullying of the Church of God of Prophecy versus kid gloves for A&V Drilling

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is accusing Petrotrin of taking advantage of Pastor Roy Seebaran and the 100 or so members of his congregation by frightening them into giving up ownership rights, based on adverse possession, to their property located at Mussrapp Trace, Barrackpore. It...
Posted On 26 Apr 2018
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Indarsingh condemns the CPO’s offer of 0%, 0%, 0% to the PSA

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is condemning the CPO’s offer of 0%, 0%, 0% to the Public Services Association (PSA) which he says seems to be the order of the day anytime the PNM is in power. He is also critical of the silence of the Leadership of the...
Posted On 26 Apr 2018
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