
UNC selects candidates for Belmont East and Barataria Local Government seats

The United National Congress is pleased to announce that it has completed screening for the local government seats of Belmont East and Barataria. UNC Elections Officer Mr. Don Sylvester announced that Mrs. Sharon Maraj-Dharam will contest the Barataria seat, and Ms. Lianna...
Posted On 10 Jun 2018
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Media Should be More Vigilant with Galleons Passage

By Capil Bissoon I refer to your story in yesterday’s edition of the Trinidad Express captioned “Has the work started” with regards to the mechanical and technical upgrades to the Galleons Passage in Cuba. I must confess that I am a frustrated reader because the media continues...
Posted On 10 Jun 2018
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Ganga Singh: Rowley must apologise to Muslim community

Chaguanas West MP, Ganga Singh, is demanding that the Prime Minister apologise to the Muslim community over his condemnation of the Masjid-ul-Muttaqeen Mosque in Cunupia. According to the MP: “Dr Rowley seems to be impervious to the sensitivities of the issues confronting the...
Posted On 10 Jun 2018
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UNC: Rowley-led Government leading Trinidad and Tobago down dangerous path

Deputy Political Leader of the United National Congress and Opposition Chief Whip, David Lee is condemning the continued attempts by the Dr. Keith Rowley-led Government to mislead the public and malign the Opposition. Dr. Lee was commenting on the recent debate in the House of...
Posted On 08 Jun 2018
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Charles: Unable to fight local elections on its track record the PNM is resorting to manufactured distractions

“With the citizenry becoming more aware of, and outspoken about, the complete inability of this PNM Government to effectively manage T&T, government is now attempting to distract and direct the conversation away from their ineptitude and towards bacchanal, racial divisions...
Posted On 08 Jun 2018
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Lee: Petrotrin records 2 billion in losses for 2017 yet spends 63 million on Consultancy fees

As Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I filed a question on notice to the Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs in April 2018 to ascertain the names of the individuals or companies who were retained as consultants by state oil company Petrotrin as well as the value of these...
Posted On 07 Jun 2018
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MP Paray: NP Closure of Mayaro Gas Station Unacceptable

While I am happy NP woke up from their deep slumber by addressing my concern, the people of the Mayaro Constituency got absolutely no reassurances as to when some level of normalcy will return. NP failed to even provide a best guess as to when the Gas Station will reopen....
Posted On 05 Jun 2018
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MP for Oropouche West slams Minister of Agriculture for his criticism of the Buffalypso

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh is condemning the Minister of Agriculture for his criticism of one of Trinidad and Tobago’s potential cash cows, the Buffalypso. In a release issued on Monday the MP slammed Minister Rambharat for his...
Posted On 05 Jun 2018
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MP Moonilal Joins Youths in Cleanup effort

On Saturday June 2, 2018 I joined a dynamic group of youths in the Union Hall area led by Andrew Bisnath of ALtech Energy and his young environment ambassadors to clean up the community and clear the drains and water courses. I congratulated the youths for their commitment to the...
Posted On 04 Jun 2018
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Charles: Billions spent without feasibility studies

Billions spent without feasibility studies, or proper procurement procedures on unnecessary vanity projects like Australian boats, Sandals, the SSA, a Toco highway, and the Brian Lara stadium. “Like a drunken sailor on shore, Dr Rowley continues his penchant for wasting hard...
Posted On 01 Jun 2018
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