
Charles to Rowley: Your Sandals concept – clear example that William’s ” Massa day not yet done”

“By condemning Tobagonians, and by extension many of us, to a life of being waiters, bartenders and room cleaners while management decision making, knowhow and expertise reside outside our borders” our country under Rowley’s Sandals adventure is proving our...
Posted On 08 Jul 2018
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Kamla Responds to Imbert: This Ponzi scheme, like the Grenada stadium, will eventually collapse

Minister Imbert’s almost three-year stint as Minister of Finance has been a lesson in gross incompetence and horrific financial mismanagement. No one in Trinidad and Tobago could dare accuse him of being a successful MOF. His only achievements thus far are taxing, borrowing and...
Posted On 05 Jul 2018
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Kamla: We remained steadfast in our position on Anti-Terrorism Bill and ensured passage of good law

Kamla: We remained steadfast in our position on Anti-Terrorism Bill and ensured passage of good law despite the attempts by the Prime Minister to railroad the debate with his deranged mutterings in and out of Parliament. The UNC Opposition remained steadfast in its position on...
Posted On 04 Jul 2018
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Kamla: Gross incompetence by Rowley Government on President’s Notification of COP

“Once again, we see the gross incompetence and deceit of this Rowley Government, over its moves to subvert the Constitution with regard to the Minister Robinson-Regis’s unilateral instruction to the Parliament not to proceed with laying and debating the President’s...
Posted On 04 Jul 2018
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Tim: WGTL deal like a  thief-in-the-night

The thief-in-the-night return of the dubious World Gas-to-Liquids (WGTL) project reconfirms that the Rowley regime lacks common decency and a sense of shame and is not committed to good governance and respect for taxpayers’ money. Even for a government riddled with one scandalous...
Posted On 03 Jul 2018
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Kamla to Rowley: Stop the fear-mongering on the Anti-Terrorism Bill

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP maintains that critical amendments are required to the Anti-Terrorism Bill, as in its current form, it confers too much power to the Attorney General.  In a statement issued today, Mrs. Persad-Bissessar said the Opposition...
Posted On 03 Jul 2018
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Highlights of the Political Leader’s Address MNF – Fyzabad

PNM Deception – National Investment Fund Let me show you, why we can never trust this Government.  The National Investment Fund is like a Ponzi scheme. On October 2nd 2017, in his presentation of the 2018 budget Finance Minister Imbert announced that as the assets of the CL...
Posted On 03 Jul 2018
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Indarsingh calls on Baptiste-Primus to intervene in NEDCO’s VSEP impasse

Member of Parliament for Couva South and the Opposition Labour and Enterprise Development Critic RudranathIndarsingh is calling on the Minister of Labour and Enterprise Development Jennifer Baptiste-Primus to immediately intervene in the impasse between the National...
Posted On 28 Jun 2018
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MP Lee: Government needs to come clean on Petrotrin

Given the recent statements by the Minister of Energy against state oil company Petrotrin it is time the Government come clean with the citizens of our nation and admit that they intend to privatize the pertinent state owned company. Speaking at an energy conference in the HYATT...
Posted On 28 Jun 2018
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Moonilal: Dillon Must Go!

Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon has stirred more confusion and bewilderment in the latest saga of his New York apartment drama. Mr. Dillon’s statement to the media that he voluntarily returned the disputed condominium ignores the fact that he was earlier taken to...
Posted On 28 Jun 2018
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