
UNC to Government: If Galleons Passage is safe, explain Lloyd’s report which identifies close to 150 issues

“A National Scandal of epic proportions.” This is the way Opposition Senator Wade Mark described the Government’s acquisition of the Galleons Passage, as he reiterated the call for a criminal investigation into the matter. Speaking at a media briefing held at the Office of the...
Posted On 18 Jul 2018
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UNC critical of Government’s PR gimmick on crime

The United National Congress is knocking the Rowley Government’s newly minted National Crime Prevention Plan, which is nothing more than yet another PR stunt aimed at placating and misleading the people of this country. Today, Minister Stuart Young and his comrades regaled us...
Posted On 18 Jul 2018
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Opposition Chief Whip writes Clerk of the House for clarification of sittings during Recess

I write seeking clarification on two recently held sittings on July 3rd and 9th, 2018 as well as the forthcoming sitting of July 20th, 2018, all held during the Fixed Recess period, as per our Standing Orders. As you may be aware, Standing Order 14 (Fixed Rece...
Posted On 17 Jul 2018
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Kamla: clear message sent, the people are fed-up of the PNM government

Statement by Political Leader of the United National Congress (UNC) and Opposition Leader, The Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP on the results of the bye-elections in Belmont East and Barataria on Monday 16th July, 2018 Fellow citizens, today we witnessed yet another...
Posted On 16 Jul 2018
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UNC calls for forensic investigation into Galleons Passage

The United National Congress says new findings by an independent marine surveyor have revealed 38 defects in the Galleons Passage, which is yet to arrive in Trinidad and Tobago. Speaking at a press conference held on Sunday 15th July, 2018, Opposition Senator Wade Mark said this...
Posted On 15 Jul 2018
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We have abdicated CARICOM leadership under a foreign policy lacking leadership, vision and strategic direction

Former Director of UWI Institute of International Relations, Professor Andy Knight’s candid observation that our country, under Dr. Rowley and Foreign Minister Dennis Moses, has abdicated its CARICOM leadership role is absolutely correct. It is also an admission, at the level of...
Posted On 14 Jul 2018
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Councillor calls on Government to repair Papourie Road

Councillor for Barrackpore West, Kumarie Kuarsingh sympathizes with residents of Barrackpore regarding the deplorable road condition. Residents took to the street this morning protesting the terrible road conditions. “Both private car owners and taxi drivers have lamented the...
Posted On 13 Jul 2018
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Councillor Slams Ministry of Works for Endangering the Lives of Citizens

The Ministry of Works and Transport has completely abdicated their duty and in so doing have placed the lives of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago at risk. Earlier today, a vehicle heading driving along the Naparima Mayaro road in Palmyra Village veered off course and fell into...
Posted On 11 Jul 2018
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Oropouche West MP denounces Rowley’s misleading statements on the Carenage Fishing Facility

The MP for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh strongly condemns Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s malicious and misleading statements regarding the recently opened Carenage Fishing Facility. Rowley claimed that the multi-million dollar facility was left to rot during...
Posted On 10 Jul 2018
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Tim: Garcia Reckless With The Truth

Anthony Garcia, already identified as the most incompetent Minister of Education in Trinidad and Tobago’s modern history, is now adding another dubious title to his portfolio. Mr. Garcia is dreadfully reckless with the truth, an unfortunate dishonour for the Government Minister...
Posted On 10 Jul 2018
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