Charles: A National Security Minister must be mature, experienced and highly qualified

“Canada’s Minister of National Defence Harjit Sajjan and T&Ts recently appointed Minister of National Security Stuart Young are both smooth talking politicians in and out of Parliament. However, there is a big difference between both gentlemen. Minister Sajjan has vast...
Posted On 07 Aug 2018
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MP Lee – I went to Church, don’t sweep government incompetence under the carpet

It is quite unfortunate that the Prime Minister has sought to trivialize the Opposition’s claims of corruption at NLCB by responding with calls for me “to go to church” as opposed to adequately addressing these serious claims which are of national importance to...
Posted On 06 Aug 2018
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Charles: OJT Minister of National Security appointment proves Rowley has no plan to deal with crime

“Everybody better brakes for him/herself; Rowley does not know what he is doing about crime. He is a leader without a plan and operating by vaps.” Naparima MP is calling on PM Rowley to pray tell us on what rational basis he has appointed a relatively inexperienced...
Posted On 06 Aug 2018
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Emancipation Day Message 2018 from the Leader of the Opposition

On August 1st, 2018, we pause to reflect on the bravery, the determination and spirit of those who fought for and won their freedom from slavery. The incredibly brutal conditions under which slaves lived, and the indignities they suffered are inconceivable, and their strength,...
Posted On 31 Jul 2018
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Oropouche West MP slams the PNM’s Misplaced Priorities

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, has strongly condemned the PNM led government’s inaction and misplaced priorities towards the protection of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. In a release issued on Tuesday the MP stated, “Yet again...
Posted On 24 Jul 2018
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Protest action by Barrackpore residents shows Sinanan’s slothfulness in dealing with road repairs says Charles

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is disappointed that the Minister of Works and Transport has allowed roadways within Barrackpore to reach the appalling conditions that they have, in light of protest action today by members of the Barrackpore community. Deplorable road conditions lead...
Posted On 23 Jul 2018
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NIF 101: Gov’t mis-informs nation on NIF Bonds; Please tell Stuart Young Bonds are a form of Borrowing

The man on the street is left in the dark by a Minister of Communications who does not even know that a bond is a form of borrowing. Government’s resulting misdescription of the NIF Bonds is best encapsulated by Stuart Young’s lack of understanding. Stuart Young’s blunder on CNC3...
Posted On 20 Jul 2018
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MP Lee: BHP Billiton’s Gas find, fruits of UNC/Partnership Gov’t

The announcement by BHP Billiton two days ago, that it had found new gas about two hundred Kilometres (200 Km) off the east coast of Mayaro, is testimony to the significant innovation, tremendous development and effective management that occured within the energy sector during...
Posted On 19 Jul 2018
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UNC: Government abusing Standing Orders by holding sittings during recess of House of Representatives

The Rowley-led administration’s continued attempts to convene the House of Representatives during the fixed recess are a breach and abuse of the Standing Orders. This, according to former Speaker of the House and Opposition Senator Wade Mark, at a media briefing held on Thursday...
Posted On 19 Jul 2018
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Bodoe: Doctors pumping gas

Member of Parliament for Fyzabad Dr. Lackram Bodoe has hit out at the government for not providing employment for young doctors, who he say has now been forced to do odd jobs to survive. Bodoe said :”This is the only country in the world where you have patients waiting long hours...
Posted On 19 Jul 2018
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