Padarath: PNM glorifies Misogyny, Violence and Racial Tension

In a country where so many barriers have been broken for the advancement and progress of women and women’s rights, the despicable portrayal and glorification of violence against women at the PNM’s family day on Sunday is a reflection of the values and leadership of that Party. We...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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Kamla condemns PNM skit, calls it an insult and abuse to Afro-Trinbago males and all women, in particular Hindu women

I have noted with alarm the current heated and passionate national debate surrounding a recent display at the Rowley PNM’s Family Day celebrations, of a so-called ‘skit’ which has essentially attacked three major groups in our democracy and has now reached a point of national...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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PNM should apologise to the Women of T&T

As a Hindu Woman, I found it quite insulting and offensive to see a picture of a woman in a yellow sari being disrobed by two men dressed as gorillas being featured on the front page of a daily newspaper. This was part of a skit which played out at the PNM family and sports day...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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MP Lee – PNM has sunk to an all time low with its promotion of misogyny and religious insensitivity

The governing Keith Rowley led PNM has sunk to an all time low with it’s promotion of misogyny and religious insensitivity via the offensive skit which was warmly cheered on by the hierarchy of the PNM at their family day on Sunday at the Edinburgh 500 recreation ground. It...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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UNC Youth Arm Demands Apology from PM for Disrespectful Display at PNM Family Day

Plastered on the front page of one daily newspaper, I noticed a scene from the PNM’s Family day depicting two persons in costumes disrobing a woman of a yellow sari – a scene which was later described by the PNM’s spokesman extraordinaire Minister Stuart Young as “a little...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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Sexual Assault is not fun Mr Minister!

If a Government is serious about tackling the epidemic of violence against women and a culture of lack of respect for women and girls, then the People’s National Movement Government should start by condemning and issuing an apology to all women for the depiction of sexual assault...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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Senator Ameen slams Local Government Minister over lack of resources for Corporations

I note the media release by the Minister of Local Government which calls on “all fourteen (14) Mayors and Chairmen to ensure that their DMU are on alert and on the ground to assist affected persons”. It should be noted that Regional Corporations have been severely under resourced...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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Kamla: Naipaul Redefined Literature, Gave Trinidad and Marginalized Societies Relevance and Worth

In his lifetime, he continued to stun critics, admirers and literary masters of every part of the globe   “One isn’t born one’s self. One is born with a mass of expectations, a mass of other people’s ideas – and you have to work through it all.”...
Posted On 12 Aug 2018
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Moonilal: Stuart Young’s “instructing” law enforcement officials is further evidence of political interference

The revelation by Minister of National Security Stuart Young that he issued instructions to law enforcement officials has again raised fears about political meddling in independent investigations. They concerns come against the on-going dark suspicions that the Rowley regime is...
Posted On 11 Aug 2018
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Moonilal calls for new Debe Police Station

The Debe area currently faces the condition of an unsuitable police facility as the police station located at Lalbeharry trace assumes primarily traffic regulations duties and lacks the resources to sufficiently provide all policing activities. As a result the decision is put...
Posted On 09 Aug 2018
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