UNC Women: PNM Women’s League distracting from real issues

The UNC National Women’s Arm notes with displeasure and disappointment the desperate attempt by the PNM Women’s League to distract from the various issues currently plaguing our Country and are of utmost importance to be addressed by creating an outcry over the use of the wo...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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UNC condemns Ministers’ participation in Police Service press briefing

The United National Congress applauds the news that kidnap victim Natalie Pollonais was rescued late Monday evening and that the mother of three is reported to be in good health and unharmed. We applaud further the diligent and meticulous work of the hard-working police service...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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UNC engages in Nationwide Budget Consultations

    UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS SCHEDULE OF PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATION MEETINGS DATE TIME VENUE ADDRESS ORGANIZER Friday Sept. 14th 7:00 p.m Williamsville Community Centre Kent Street, Williamsville Cllr Vashti Sookhoo Friday Sept. 14th 7:00 p.m East Grove Valsayn Carpark...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Message from Leader of the Opposition on the 17th Anniversary of 9/11….

I join the rest of the world in remembering the victims of the horrific terrorist attacks on United States of America which took place on Tuesday September 11, 2001, when a series of suicide attacks were perpetrated against the United States. On that historic, tragic day, 19...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Kamla Stands in Solidarity with Unions and Workers – Support day of Rest and Reflect

-We agree that our beloved country is in crisis as a result of the incompetence, waste, corruption and mismanagement of the Rowley Government. Citizens continue to be robbed, raped and slaughtered by criminal activity with impunity. The health sector continues to be a source of...
Posted On 05 Sep 2018
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Indarsingh: Govt attempting to intimidate workers and fanning the flames of instability

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is today condemning the pronouncements of Public Administration Minister Marlene McDonald that workers can be fined $500 and jailed for three months if they stay away from work on Friday. McDonald’s threat have been echoed...
Posted On 04 Sep 2018
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Opposition Media Briefing on Petrotrin Issue

Kamla: The Rowley-led PNM Administration is engaging in Industrial Genocide on Petrotrin. Without doubt, this action by the Rowley Govt threatens to throw our beleaguered nation – battered by his punitive, destructive, clueless, incompetent and spiteful regime further into...
Posted On 04 Sep 2018
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Three years of Rowley’s Rule

This is a particularly reflective time for Trinidad and Tobago having just observed our 56th year of Independence. This week, on September 7, Keith Rowley will begin his fourth year as Prime Minister of this country. I saw many comments from citizens who have been plunged into...
Posted On 03 Sep 2018
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Message from Opposition Leader the Hon Kamla Persad-Bessessar on Opening of New School Term

Tomorrow, as thousands of children across Trinidad and Tobago prepare to start a new school term, some eagerly, some with anxiety, I wish you all a calm and productive first day of school. Many of you may be excited to start a new chapter, having moved on to a higher class, or a...
Posted On 02 Sep 2018
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Independence Day Message from the Hon. Kamal Persad-Bissessar, Leader of the Opposition

I join with the national community in commemorating the 56th Anniversary of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. Fifty-six years of charting our own course as a nation, on a road that has been fraught with challenges, but with a people determined to move our country along the...
Posted On 30 Aug 2018
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